University Advancement

  • Oviatt Library

Drs. Dennis and Mary Papazian: An Academic Power Couple

Mary in turn adds: “I think the key is having a shared view of the world, having a shared set of values. I had the benefit that Dennis had already navigated so many of the challenges that I was going to see — that was extraordinarily helpful. We were socializing and talking with his colleagues and friends who were tremendously experienced, such as Blenda Wilson, who was the chancellor at U of Michigan, Dearborn, when Dennis established the Armenian Research Center. Blenda was an extraordinary leader, full of grace, and politically smart. I learned so much from her. [Cal State Northridge, where Wilson was President] was destroyed by an earthquake, and she rebuilt it. Her priority was to make sure the students graduated on time. The last building she rebuilt was the administration building. That has always stayed with me.”

The Armenian Mirror Spectator

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