Insurance and Risk Management -2022

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Risk Management Forms

Academic Field Trip Forms

Academic Field Trip Waiver of Liability and Hold Harmless Agreement

To be completed by all student participants before departing on a University sponsored field trip.

Academic Field Trip Participant List

To be completed by faculty to record all student participants' emergency contact information before departing on a University sponsored field trip.

Air Travel Voluntary Participation

This is the initial notification by the University (President or Designee) to any student, prior to undertaking California State University-affiliated air travel, that the student will be traveling at their own risk and required to sign the "Air Travel Informed Consent" form.

Authorization to Operate Privately Owned Vehicle - Student

To be completed when a student will operate a private vehicle on a university-sponsored trip/activity.

Authorization to Use Privately Owned Vehicle on State Business (STD 261)-  contact IT Dept to access the form(Put in a ticket via Help Center)

Driver Verification Form. This certification verifies the employee's private vehicle has the minimum amounts of liability insurance coverage, is in safe mechanical condition, and is adequate for use in accordance with the State Administrative Manual (SAM) section 0753. This form advises the State employee that adequate vehicle insurance coverage must be provided by the employee's personal insurance and that personal vehicle insurance is primary coverage in case of a vehicle accident.

The supervisor authorized to approve travel shall retain the STD 261 completed authorization form in the employee's personnel file. The authorization form is valid for a period not to exceed one year. Once the STD form 261 is completed, it may be initialed and dated annually by the employee to certify adequate personal auto insurance is current and that the private vehicle is safe for state business use.

Accident Report Forms (Non-auto, Non-employee)

Accident Report (Other than Motor Vehicle

Whenever a California State University, Northridge employee observes or has knowledge of a non-vehicular accident/injury to a student, vendor or other campus visitor, the employee should complete an "Accident Report". The prompt (within 48 hours) submission of the report will help establish the circumstances of the accident/injury and may prevent or contain any lawsuit that would follow.

The Risk Management Department requests that the information be as detailed as possible, especially if there are serious injuries. Photos and diagrams can be submitted as necessary. The Accident Report should also be submitted when University or personal property is damaged. Note, this report supplements, but does not replace, any Campus Police report that may be developed.

This report is not intended to be completed and submitted for "employee accidents" or for "motor vehicle accidents" because other forms and procedures apply to them.

Employee Accident & Injury Reports (Workers' Compensation)

State of California "Employee's Claim for Workers' Compensation Benefits"

This form, DWC Form 1, must be given to the injured employee within 24 hours of the employer's knowledge of the injury/illness, according to state law. The form spells out the benefits an injured employee may be entitled to receive. To meet the time requirement, it may be necessary to mail the form to the injured employee. It is up to the injured employee to complete the form and return it to management if medical treatment is necessary. Otherwise, it does not have to be returned.

Supervisor's Accident Investigation Report for Employee Injury

The supervisor completes this form (Form 620) for every reported employee incident or injury/illness occurring on-the job. It should be completed through a one-on-one discussion of the circumstances that caused the accident so that workplace conditions or work practices that contributed to the accident can be corrected. For instructions on what to do for an employee injury see "What to do after a work injury occurs" for supervisors.

Supervisor Accident Investigation Report Guidelines

These guidelines are designed to help the supervisor complete the "Supervisor's Accident Investigation Report" required for any employee accident.

Pre-Designation of Personal Physician Form

If an employee pre-designates a treating physician, that physician has to have seen that employee within the last year and maintain some of the employee's medical records. This designated physician agrees to accept fees for services that are regulated by the Labor Code. The completed Personal Physician's Designation Form is maintained at the Office of Human Resource Services (UN 180).

State Vehicle & Driver Forms

STD 261 - Authorization to use Privately Owned Vehicle on State business - Employee  contact IT Dept to access the form(Put in a ticket via Help Center)

This certification verifies the employee's private vehicle has the minimum amounts of liability insurance coverage, is in safe mechanical condition, and is adequate for use in accordance with the State Administrative Manual (SAM) section 0753. This form advises the State employee that adequate vehicle insurance coverage must be provided by the employee's personal insurance and that personal vehicle insurance is primary coverage in case of vehicle accident.

STD 269 - Accident Information Card Form

When the driver of a University or State-owned vehicle is involved in an accident, he/she must record all pertinent information on the Accident Information Card form STD 269 before leaving the scene of the accident. Blank STD 269 cards should be readily available in the glove compartment of each State (rental, owned, leased, or private) vehicle. When another vehicle is involved in an accident with a State vehicle, the appropriate portion of the STD form 269 is completed, detached, and given to the driver of the other vehicle. The State Office of Risk and Insurance Management (ORIM) is the University's third-party auto insurance provider.

STD 270 - Vehicle Accident Report Form

All motor vehicle accidents involving a State-owned vehicle or any vehicle being used on State business must be reported on the Vehicle Accident Report (STD 270) form within 48 hours to the State Office of Risk and Insurance Management (ORIM). If the accident results in bodily injury or significant property damage, the accident must be first reported by telephone and/or fax copy of the STD 270 to the ORIM fax number at (916) 376-5277.

STD 274 - State Driver Accident Review Form

The supervisor of each driver involved in an accident must prepare a State Driver Accident Review form STD 274 to investigate the accident promptly and thoroughly. The supervisor must initiate any verbal or written corrective action; record the action, and forward copies of the completed form to the appropriate campus administration (the CSUN Office of Safety and Risk Management). The purpose of this report is to determine whether the accident was avoidable and to aid in the prevention of future accidents. This State Driver Accident Review (STD 274) must be submitted with the Vehicle Accident Report (STD 270) filed with the State Office of Risk and Insurance Management (ORIM) as well as with your Campus Risk Manager.

Student Authorization - Authorization to Operate Privately Owned Vehicle

To be completed when a student will operate a private vehicle on a university-sponsored trip/activity.

CSUN Vehicle Use Policies – Vehicle Usage Policy

Policy #450-01 issued from the Office of the Vice President for Administration and Finance.

CSUN Department of Police Services Pull Notice Program

CSU program to verify the California driving records of all State employees authorized to drive on State business. The Department of Public Safety under the direction of the Chief of Police administers this program.

CSU Vehicle Manual - Use of University and Private Vehicles Policy Guidelines

The full manual is available from the CSU Chancellor's Office website.

ORIM's Report Motor Vehicle Accident Involving State Employees

In case of an auto accident, additional information is available from the Office of Risk and Insurance Management.

Insurance Forms

Inland Marine Insurance

Inland marine is special property insurance designed for scheduled equipment such as musical instruments, artwork, and special expensive equipment on loan or temporarily being used by a department for which the lender or department would want insurance coverage. To get a quote, contact Risk Management (extension 2079). Use the quote form to submit the application.

Participant's Accident Insurance

This plan provides primary or excess accident medical coverage when participants suffer an accidental injury during sponsored and supervised sports programs or other organized youth activities. The plan is sold as blanket coverage and purchased by a group for all its participants. Participant Accident Insurance program covers a broad range of groups and activities, providing the best possible protection for event participants. With a quick-quote capability and competitive pricing, the University Risk Management Department can help you fill your accident-medical coverage needs. Use this quote form to get a Participant's Insurance quote.

Vendor's / Contractors' Insurance

This Vendor/Contractor Insurance Program was developed to meet the needs of the California State University system in assuring that there is insurance in place when entering into a contract with a contractor or vendor. Coverage can be provided for General Liability, General Liability and Professional Liability combined. This will enable the University to contract with qualified bidders who could not previously participate because their level of insurance could not meet the CSU minimum insurance requirements. Use this quote form to get a Vendor's Insurance quote.

Waivers/Releases of Liability