Insurance and Risk Management -2022

  • Internships Banner


CSUN encourages students to participate in meaningful internships in the community that are directly related to their course of study. While these student placements come with associated risks, campus departments can help ensure students enjoy safe and rewarding off-campus learning experiences by following certain risk management procedures. To create high-impact, academic community-based service learning experiences(internship) contact Community Engagement

Our Office manages the Policy,  below, & Insurance.


This executive order (EO 1064) is issued pursuant to the Standing Orders of the Board of Trustees, Section II (a) and (c). The California State University recognizes the beneficial educational purpose of student internships, as well as the need to maximize the educational experience while mitigating the risks to participants and minimizing the university's liability exposure.


This executive order establishes guidelines for campus student internship policy and procedures and delegates responsibility for implementation to the campus president.

Delegation of Authority

The president has delegated the responsibility for the development, implementation, and maintenance of the campus student internship policy, and to ensure there is a means for future review of the policy that is updated and communicated to faculty and staff at appropriate intervals.

Terms and Definitions

An internship formally integrates the student's academic study with practical experience in a cooperating organization. It is an off-campus activity designed to serve educational purposes by offering experience in a service learning1, business, non-profit, or government setting. For the purpose of this executive order "internship" does not include teacher preparation placements or clinical placements such as for nursing, counseling, physical therapy, or occupational therapy.

An internship site is an organization at which the internship takes place.

Internship Planning

  • Individual to be responsible for oversight of the policy;
  • Academic policies for establishing an internship;
  • Awarding of academic credit;
  • Accommodation plan for students with special needs;
  • Emergency response plan;
  • Student compensation, if applicable; and
  • Minimum requirements for agreements between the internship site and university.

Placement Assessment

Prior to placing students, an assessment of the appropriateness of the internship site as a placement for CSU students shall be conducted. A written assessment summary of the internship site shall be completed and retained by the responsible campus office and be available for review. That summary shall respond, at minimum, to the following considerations:

  • The potential for the internship site to provide an educationally appropriate experience;
  • Identification of the potential risks of the internship site;
  • Identification of an appropriate individual from the host organization to supervise the student at the internship site;
  • Evaluation of the educational environment;
  • Evaluation of the potential for student academic experience and its relationship to the student's academic study;
  • Selection criteria and basic skills required of the student; and
  • Agreement of internship site to meet campus expectations, including a signed placement agreement between the internship site and the CSU that addresses both the internship site's and the campus's role in the internship, as well as the student's responsibilities.

Internship Site Visits

Campus policy shall include criteria for when to conduct a site visit. The site visit may be bypassed if the campus can demonstrate and document sufficient knowledge of the internship site. This could be accomplished through online review, published materials, or direct contact with the site.

Placement and Orientation

Before the student begins the internship, the following steps shall be completed:

  • Student orientation that includes conduct expectations, health and safety instructions, and emergency contacts;
  • Student emergency contact form to be completed. If the internship placement is not required as part of the student's academic program, the student must complete the liability waiver form (see Executive Order 1051); and
  • Learning agreement form signed by the student, internship site supervisor, and university representative. The form addresses the work to be provided by the student, the learning outcomes, and the placement logistics (including hours and pay).

Documentation of the above items shall be retained by the campus supervising office or a designated campus office.


Student Professional Liability Insurance

Internship Listing & Forms: Visit Community Engagement

 Internship Agreements-All agreements are processed through Purchasing & Contract Administration.