Office of the Provost

  • Picture of a Academic Affairs Meeting

    Office of the Provost & Vice President

Road Map to the Future: Committee


Jonathan Hay, Associated Students

Kaitlyn Orozco, Associated Students

Kiana Requena, Associated Students

Michael Tejax, Associated Students


Melisa Galván, Chicana/o Studies

Crist Khachikian, Civil Engineering

Elena Miranda, Geological Sciences

Mario Ontiveros, Art

Nate Thomas, Cinema and Television Arts​


Gigi McGuire, Student Outreach and Recruitment

Yazmin Peebles, Information Technology


Mary Beth Walker, Academic Affairs, Chair

David Dufault-Hunter, Enrollment Services

Barrett Morris, Equity and Diversity

Amanda Quintero, Office of the President

Diane Stephens, Academic Resources & Planning

Jason Wang, Physical Plant Management