
B.A., Geography and Environmental Studies: Geographic Information Science

GES GIS; Program Requirements

Program Description

Geography/Geographic Information Science features a strong technical component based on applications of geographic information science (GIS), cartography and remote sensing, along with training in geographical analysis and data presentation.

Social Science Subject Matter Program for the Single Subject Credential
Geography majors who are interested in teaching social studies at the middle school or high school level may combine their major program with the Single Subject Social Science Subject Matter Program to meet requirements for entering a Single Subject Credential Program. View Social Science Subject Matter Program for Secondary School Teachers (.pdf) for more information. The Geography undergraduate advisor also can provide assistance in coordinating the completion of both the major and the subject matter program simultaneously. See also the disclosure statement regarding Programs Leading to Licensure and Credentialing.

Program Requirements

  1. Lower Division Courses (6 units)

    1. Foundation Courses

Take the following courses:

  1. Upper Division Courses (39 units)

    1. Gateway Course (3 units)

Take the following:

    1. Field Studies (3 units)

Select one course from the following:

    1. Content Courses (6 units)

Select two courses from the following:

    1. Method Courses (15 units)

Take the following courses:

    1. Application Courses (6 units)

Select two courses from the following:

    1. Capstone Course (3 units)

Take the following:

    1. Elective Courses (9 units)

Take one additional upper division (300- or 400-level) GES course.

  1. General Education (48 units)

Total Units in the Major/Option: 45

General Education Units: 42

Additional Units: 33

Total Units Required for the B.A. Degree: 120