College of Education Self-Care

  • Participants at the self-care drum session
  • Sunset over water
  • Blue lens flares
  • Zen garden with rocks
  • Sunset over hills
  • Spiral staircase
  • Path through trees with autumn leaves

Self-Care: Digital Wellness Day Presentations and Resources, May 7th

May 3, 2021

Dear COE faculty and staff,

Our world has changed forever as a result of our high usage and increased proficiency with digital communication during a year of the pandemic and social distancing. Technology usage is now a permanent part of most people’s lives, but needs to be employed mindfully, or just like anything overused, can be harmful. On International Digital Wellness Day, this Friday, May 7th, the Digital Wellness Collective and R. Cassidy Seminars are offering a full day of free events and resources for all ages to achieve tech-life balance and digital flourishing. Digital Flourishing refers to a mindful approach to digital technology usage that empowers us to take advantage of the benefits of technology while avoiding associated harms. On May 7th, you can choose from over 60 different Digital Wellness Day presentations, including topics such as the value of meaningful connection in the digital age, ensuring wellness over digital events, increasing digital wellness as you de-stress from your desk, finding balance in the digital era, and avoiding digital burnout. The program also includes a number of free presentations for families and children, like raising children in a digital age, educating youth and parents on mindful, healthy, intentional, and safe digital habits, and digital wellness and internet gaming. Please check out these wonderful free presentations for inspiration and ideas about how you can live in a healthy manner in our digital world. The link to registering for International Digital Wellness Day presentations is below. 

Register Today

For a list of other self-care options, please see our COE self-care website for resources for faculty, staff, students, and the community at: 

Looking forward to connecting with you in a healthy way in our digital world!

