Central American Studies

Transborder Temporalities and Imaginaries of the Future - Tuesday, April 6

Tuesday, April 6, 2021 - 8:00am

Various online locations. See below for more details.

This symposium will offer simultaneous English/Spanish interpretation.

8:00am PT・11:00am ET

Book Presentations
En español desede el Facebook Live de la Biblioteca Padre Florentino Idoate, s.j., de la UCA
Click here to register for this event in English.
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Ricardo Roque Baldovinos, La rebelión de los sentidos. Arte y revolución durante la modernización autoritaria en El Salvador. San Salvador: UCA Editores, 2020.

            Silvia López, Carleton College

            Ricardo Roque Baldovinos, Universidad Centroamericana "José Simeón Cañas"

Yansi Pérez, Más allá del duelo: Otras formas de imaginar, sentir y pensar la memoria centroamericana. San Salvador: UCA Editores, 2019.

            Sophie Esch, Rice University

            Yansi Pérez, Carleton College

10:00am PT・1:00pm ET

Book Presentation
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Bethany Wiggin, Carolyn Fornoff, and Patricia Eunji Kim, eds. Timescales: Thinking across Ecological Temporalities. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2020.

            Bethany Wiggin (University of Pennsylvania)

            Carolyn Fornoff (University of Illinois Urbana Champaign)

            Patricia Eunji Kim (New York University)

11:00am PT・2:00pm ET

Film/Video Screenings
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Moderators:  Julia Medina, University of San Diego and Karina Zelaya, Mississippi State University

Ballade vom kleinen Soldaten (La balada del pequeño soldado), 1984. 46 min
Directors: Werner Herzog and Denis Reichle. Sinopsis: This documentary examines the Miskito population in Nicaragua and their use of children soldiers in the conflict with the Sandinistas.

El canto de Bosawas, 2014, 52:35 min
Dir. Mision Bosawas/Mision videos. Sinopsis: El canto de Bosawas sique la aventura de Matute, miembro de la banda nicaragüense "La Cuneta Son Machin" que viaja junto a dos músicos de San Francisco a lo profundo de Bosawas, con el firme propósito de grabar por primera vez en la historia, la música de los indígenas Mayangnas.

Descubre el mapa bioculural del pueblo lenca El Salvador-Honduras, MiraizVision, 2007, 14:43 min
Un recorrido por el mapa biocultural de la región Lenca. Este esfuerzo fue parte del proyecto "Programa Binacional de Desarrollo Fronterizo Honduras - El Salvador" del Proyecto: Integración y Sostenibilidad del Pueblo Lenca a partir de su cosmovisión.

2:00pm PT・5:00pm ET

Transborder Experiences of Indigeneity: Land, Language, and Space among the Garifuna and Lenca Communities
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Moderator: Nancy Perez, Humboldt State University

Karina Zelaya, Mississippi State University
"Defying Oblivion: The Lenca Women and the Community's Biocultural Map"

Douglas Carranza (California State University, Northridge)
"Crossing Boundaries: Language, Healing, and Migration among the Lenca"

Jennifer M. Gómez, University of Minnesota, Duluth
"Double Jeopardy: The Loss of Land Rights and the Loss of Language" 

4:00pm PT・7:00pm ET

Focusing on the Central American Atlantic
Click on the link above to join the meeting.
Moderator: Carolyn Fornoff, University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign

Julia Medina (University of San Diego)
"Refracting Lenses on the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua. Documenting Biospheres in the El ojo del tiburón and El canto de Bosawas."

Mauricio Espinoza (University of Cincinnati) / Tomás Emilio Arce (University of Cincinnati)
"Sea Turtles and Sea-Scapes: Representing Human-Nature Relations in the Central American Caribbean 

Leonel Delgado (Universidad de Chile)
"Fantasmas coloniales y representación documental: La visión sobre los miskitos en La balada del pequeño soldado (1984) de Werner Herzog y Denis Reichie" 

5:30pm PT・8:30pm ET

Objeto Antiguo
Kaqjay Moloj, Comunidad Kaqchikel de Investigación, FIEBRE Ediciones y Beatriz Cortez
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Moderated by Daniela Lieja Quintanar, Curator, Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions (LACE)

Kaqjay Moloj emerged in 2006 as a community initiative of professionals, students, farmers, youth, men and women in the Municipality of Patzicía, Guatemala. Its objective is to preserve the memory and history of the Kaqchikel and Maya communities. The Comunidad Kaqchikel de Investigación is a Maya Kaqchikel collective formed in 2016 as an extension of Kaqjay Moloj. Its members are social sciences students and professionals (history, anthropology and archaeology) interested in research about art and memory. Their objective is to establish a dialogue between local collective memory, ancient history of the Kaqchikel people and community practices, in order to contribute to the construction of the political autonomy of peoples. FIEBRE Ediciones is an artist and publishing independent collective established in 2016 by the Mexican artists Antonio Medina (Coahuila, 1990) and Carla Lamoyi (Mexico City, 1990). Their objective is to research and disseminate Latin American and Caribbean creative practices. Beatriz Cortez is a Salvadoran visual artist based in Los Angeles. Her work explores imaginaries of the future. Objeto Antiguo is their collective project, it will be on view at LACE as part of Intergalactix: against isolation, an exhibition at the Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions from May 15 to August 14, 2021.

Sponsored by:

Bowling Green State University
California State University, Northridge
Carleton College
Humboldt State University
Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions
Universidad Centroamericana "José Simeón Cañas", El Salvador
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Mississippi State University
University of San Diego
Y.ES Contemporary
Lucy and Isidore B. Adelman Foundation

Contact the Department of Central of Central American and Transborder Studies at donald.w.lilly@csun.edu for accessibility requests by Wednesday, March 31, 2021.

Click here for program.