College of Education Self-Care

  • Participants at the self-care drum session
  • Sunset over water
  • Blue lens flares
  • Zen garden with rocks
  • Sunset over hills
  • Spiral staircase
  • Path through trees with autumn leaves

Self-care in 2021: get some good sleep

March 1, 2021

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Dear Michael D. Eisner College of Education Community,

    With the many distractions and uncertainties  during the pandemic, it’s understandable that the importance of sleep is often forgotten. But as Eric Suni and Dr. Anis Rehman of the Sleep Foundation remind us, “As we adjust to stay-at-home orders and try to remain healthy in a time of COVID-19, focusing on sleeping well offers tremendous benefits. Sleep is critical to physical health and effective functioning of the immune system. It’s also a key promoter of emotional wellness and mental health, helping to beat back stress, depression, and anxiety.” According to these experts. sleep can be difficult right now due to disruption of daily life, anxiety, depression and isolation, greater family and work stress, excess screen time, and stress-related fatigue. Please read this article for steps that you can take to get good sleep during this global pandemic.


For a list of  self-care options in 2021 available to everyone, please see our COE self-care website for  resources for faculty, staff, students, and the community at:


 May you sleep well tonight and every night in 2021.


Shari and Josh