HERE Center

Media Kit for Journalists & Media Outlets

This media kit contains all you need to know about the HERE Center, including key information and events, contact details, and assets (official images and branding materials). To get in touch with us, please email .

About the Center



The HERE Center is a university-chartered center at California State University, Northridge (CSUN) dedicated to community-partnered participatory research. The HERE Center grew from the foundation that the Building Infrastructure Leading to Diversity (BUILD) Promoting Opportunities for Diversity in Education and Research (PODER) program provided. BUILD PODER is an undergraduate biomedical research training program established in 2014 with a $22 grant from the National Institutes of Health. Located in CSUN’s first research building, Lilac Hall, the center was chartered in 2019 with the goal of institutionalizing and accelerating the university’s health disparities research through dedicated campus resources, community affiliations, and joint activities with research partners. We seek and initiate cooperative research projects targeting local health issues.


The HERE Center is dedicated to improving health equity for individuals in the San Fernando Valley (SFV) and surrounding communities through education, community-academic partnerships, and health disparities research.


All individuals in the San Fernando Valley and surrounding communities live healthy lives and feel connected to their communities.


  • Increase health equity in the San Fernando Valley and the broader Los Angeles region
  • Increase community-academic research collaborations around health equity using interdisciplinary, culturally humble methods including Community-Partnered Participatory Research (CPPR)
  • Provide a focal point for biomedical research training by centralizing campus resources related to health equity for students, faculty, and community members
  • Increase grant activity in the area of health equity
  • Serve as a source of information and dissemination to all affected audiences, especially those communities that we study.

HERE Center Model

Research in Action and Education

Data Resources and Referrals

Through compiling local statistics, community stories about health disparities in the San Fernando Valley (public)

Community Connections

through collaborative events and community cafes to build mutual advocacy between community and faculty partners (public)


for collaborative action research

Research and Grant Writing

training opportunities for CBO's, community members, faculty, and students

Current Projects

Partnerships for Empowerment

Research Projects

COVID-19 Studies

Culture Health and Development Lab

Health, Opportunities, M-Health, Mamas, Equity Lab (HO2ME)

Metabolism & Stress Assessment Lab (MESA)

Par-D Lab


Journal of Clinical and Translational Science cover

Pilot Study of an Intervention to Increase Cultural Awareness in Research Mentoring: Implications for Diversifying the Scientific Workforce

Byars-Winston, A., Womack, V. Y., Butz, A. R., McGee, R., Quinn, S. C., Utzerath, E., Saetermoe, C. L., & Thomas, S. (2018). Pilot Study of an Intervention to Increase Cultural Awareness in Research Mentoring: Implications for Diversifying the Scientific Workforce. Journal of clinical and translational science, 2(2), 86–94.

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bmc logo

Critical race theory as a bridge in science training: the California State University, Northridge BUILD PODER program

Saetermoe, C. L., Chavira, G., Khachikian, C. S., Boyns, D., & Cabello, B. (2017). Critical race theory as a bridge in science training: the California State University, Northridge BUILD PODER program. BMC proceedings, 11(Suppl 12), 21.

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International Journal of Higher Education Research cover

Using critical race theory to reframe mentor training: theoretical considerations regarding the ecological systems of mentorship

Vargas, J.H., Saetermoe, C.L. & Chavira, G (2020). Using critical race theory to reframe mentor training: theoretical considerations regarding the ecological systems of mentorship. High Education.

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Past Events

End the Silence Initiative Events

The End the Silence initiative was formed by a small coalition of CSUN faculty members in response to a surge in public criticism around police brutality sparked by the brutal murder of George Floyd on May 25, 2020.

Getting Into Research - 10/8/2020

BUILD PODER presents our 3rd annual Getting into Research event! Research programs, centers, and faculty at CSUN will be invited to talk about what research they have available for CSUN students!

Community-Academic Partnerships Conference: Collaborating for Change - 2/26/2020

A collaborated effort to bring together CSUN faculty and scholars who have been working on projects with the community or are interested in getting involved.

Fact Sheets

Coming soon...

Contact Details

Point Contacts

Carrie Saetermoe

Carrie Saetermoe

Executive Director

Nelida Duran

Nelida Duran


Lisa Chaudhari

Lisa Chaudhari


Amber Bui

Amber Bui

Program Coordinator

View All Team Members

Center Researchers

Leadership Team

Carrie Saetermoe

Carrie Saetermoe

Executive Director

Faculty Cluster

Claudia Toledo-Corral, PhD

Claudia Toledo-Corral, PhD

Health Science

Kacie Blackman, PhD

Kacie Blackman, PhD

Health Science

Thomas Chan PhD

Thomas Chan, PhD

Assistant Professor of Psychology

Yolanda Vasquez-Salgado PhD

Yolanda Vasquez-Salgado, PhD


Post-Doctoral Fellows

Jose Vargas

Jose Vargas, PhD


Faculty Partners

Steve Graves

Steve Graves

Professor of Geography and Environmental Science

View Individual Bio's

Official Images

The HERE Center

lilac hall research building at csun thumbnail

The HERE Center

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here center team working on laptops in conference room thumbnail

Lilac Hall Team Meeting

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here center team working on laptops in conference room thumbnail

Lilac Hall Team Meeting 2

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here center team working on laptops in conference room thumbnail

Lilac Hall Team Meeting 3

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Key Team Members

Carrie Saetermoe photo thumbnail

Carrie Saetermoe, Executive Director

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David Boyns photo thumbnail

David Boyns, Co-Director

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Lisa Chaudhari no image available thumbnail

Lisa Chaudhari, Co-Director

No Available Image

Nelida Duran photo thumbnail

Nelida Duran, Co-Director

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Collaboration for Change 2019

here center collaboration for change info booth with banner thumbnail

Event Information Booth

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Carrie Saetermoe speaking at the collaboration for change event thumbnail

Executive Director Speech

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a group of girl here center staff members at the collaboration for change event thumbnail

HERE Center Event Staff

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researcher Thomas Chan showcasing his augmented reality project thumnbnail

Par-D Lab Project Showcase

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Branding Materials


csun official here center logo mark thumbnail

CSUN | HERE Center Logo

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here centers health equity research and education primary logo thumbnail

HERE Center Logo 1

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here centers community empowered research primary logo thumbnail

HERE Center Logo 2

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here centers community empowered research secondary logo thumbnail

HERE Center Secondary Logo

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here centers circular tertiary logo thumbnail

HERE Center Tertiary Logo

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ATC Overlook


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Apex Serif

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