• Matador Statue





1:01pm – 1:56pm


In Attendance: Beverly Ntagu, Boris Ricks, Janet Oh, Marcella DeVeaux, Marta Lopez, Mary-Pat Stein, Natalie Mason-Kinsey, Pastor Charles Humphrey, Theresa White

Discussion Items:

A. Roundtable Check-in: As the semester is winding down, commissioners reflected on current events happening within their divisions. Mason-Kinsey began the discussion by explaining the CDO’s efforts to apply for the Aspire program, which seeks to address underrepresented groups within STEM programs. It was also shared that a survey is being implemented to address why the number of international and exchange students is declining. Another commissioner shared that their students have been expressing concern about campus safety. Mason-Kinsey explained that she hopes these issues can be addressed in a series of open forums after the holiday break. 

This led to a conversation regarding employees’ rights and responsibilities. Commissioners expressed that they hope the incoming director of police services will increase communication between their department and the campus community. Moreover, commissioners hope that officers can attend the open forums and address inquiries regarding their internal processes and procedures. Several commissioners inquired about the escort services available through DPS, and expressed an interest in possibly working with them to identify options to expand these services. In addition to the escort services, a commissioner shared that they would like for DPS to provide an explanation regarding how they decide which issues do and which do not get recorded on the crime log. 

A commissioner shared that at this time in the semester, students may be experiencing stress and fatigue due to final exams approaching. They explained that in the midst of preparing for the end of the semester, some students find it disheartening that they learn about recent events on campus through social media, rather than formal communication from the school. The commissioner reiterated that in addition to their studies, students are currently concerned with executive orders and campus safety. 

Another commissioner agreed, and requested guidance on how they can assist their students in feeling more secure on campus. There was a discussion on safety tactics such as traveling in groups, communicating with front-desk staff when entering a building, and trying to remain in more populated areas when on campus after dark. 

Another commissioner mentioned that some universities will reach out to businesses that cater to the campus community, and invite them to assist in campus safety practices. They suggested that partnering with local businesses may increase the number of volunteers that can provide safety escort services to the campus community. 

A commissioner shared that upon request, campus police will make themselves available to hold a presentation regarding their services and campus safety for a faculty member’s class. The commissioner encouraged others to promote awareness on campus, even during the day and in safe spaces. 

B.Campus Climate Survey Analysis: The commission reviewed the suggested edits, which were provided by commission members. There were no suggested changes during the meeting, however commissioners were encouraged to contact the CDO if they wish to provide feedback. Mason-Kinsey suggested that in future meetings, the commission can discuss the next campus climate survey, and possibly plan to implement the survey in fall of 2020. In the previous meeting, the need for confidentiality agreements was discussed. However in working with the department of Institutional Research, the commission may not be required to sign the agreements. 

C. Roll-out Plan: The commission discussed what format the analysis would be presented in, and how it may be disseminated. Mason-Kinsey disclosed that she will share it with cabinet members and request their feedback. Should they suggest any changes, they will be discussed with the commission before being implemented. Mason-Kinsey clarified that the suggested changes will not be in regards to data, rather the format in which the data is presented. There was further discussion on possibly associating an infographic with the analysis, or a series of photos of the campus community. Several commissioners emphasized the importance of sharing the results from the ground up, rather than having them dispersed by the cabinet. 

There was a discussion on implementing a rollout plan that relies on social media efforts to engage the campus community in establishing a dialogue based on the results of the survey. This would occur by breaking up the results and presenting them separately, rather than overloading end-users with a lengthy report. Several commissioners agreed that this would be useful in engaging students, since they receive their news regarding the campus from social media already. The commission also considered appointing a commissioner to provide interviews to the school newspaper and radio station, regarding the survey results. 


Action Items:

1. A doodle poll seeking to identify dates for Spring semester’s commission meeting dates will be sent from the Chief Diversity Office.

2. Natalie will present the revised analysis to the cabinet, and share any suggested changes with the commission.

End: The meeting concluded at 1:56pm.