Faculty Development

  • Fac Dev Base Team Banner

Fac Dev Base Team

The core team is comprised of our Director, Associate Director, Special Projects Director, Instructional Designers, Administrative Analyst and Student Assistant. 

Whitney Scott

Whitney Scott


Marcy De Veaux

Marcy De Veaux

Associate Director

Kristy Michaud

Kristy Michaud

Special Projects Director

Candy Garcia

Administrative Analyst/Specialist

Hillary Kaplowitz

Hillary Kaplowitz

Senior Instructional Designer

Sue Magdziarz

Sue Magdziarz

Instructional Designer

Christian Reyes

Christian Reyes

Instructional Designer


Nelson Mandela quote: Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.

Where is FacDev located?

Valera Hall 215 (formerly University Hall)
18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA 91330-8473


How can I contact FacDev?



Who are the people in FacDev?

FacDev Base Team
Faculty Affiliates
Faculty Peer Reviewers
New Faculty Foundations Committee
Pathways to Tenure Grant Review Committee
Active Learning Ambassadors
eLearning Ambassadors