Honor's Co-Op

Becoming a Sponsor

How to be a Sponsor? 

Honor's Co-Op is a selective program both for the students and the sponsoring companies. A summary of commitments from the sponsoring companies appear below. Please contact for more information.


CECS Honor's Co-Op

College of Engineering and Computer Science

California State University, Northridge

18111 Nordhoff Street

Northridge, CA 91330-8295

E-Mail: ecshonorsco-op@csun·edu

To maintain the quality and value of the Honor's Co-Op program we request the following commitments from the sponsoring companies for each internship position.

1. Make a one year commitment to employ a student intern, full-time during summer and half-time during the following fall and spring semesters.

2. Provide the intern with meaningful technical work assignments that have been co-ordinated with and approved by the co-op director as meeting the college's academic standards.

3. Designate a person within the company who will supervise the co-op student and be responsible for guiding and directing the student's work.

4. Collaborate with a faculty advisor to guide the training and learning of the intern.

5. Facilitate three conferences with the intern, the company supervisor, and the faculty advisor; these may be on site visits or telephone conferences.

6. Pay the co-op student a resonable wage and provide company allowable benefits.

7. Provide three performance and progress evaluations of the intern by the designated supervisor.

8. Make a contribution to the college to help defray a portion of the cost of the program administration and supervision. The suggested annual contribution is $3,000 (<500 employees) or $5,000 (>500 employees) annually, depending upon size of company for program participation. And, the annual contribution for each additional intern is $500. 

9. The college receives no funding support for this program from the state.