The Bridge Project

  • Noski Detail

    Bridge Project

Scholar Funding

  • The Bridge project will accept 10 new scholars who will begin their program in the summer of 2021
  • Those interested in applying for funding through Bridge project must also apply for the ECSE or ABA master’s program. Bridge funding is contingent upon acceptance into one of these graduate level programs
  • Scholars who are funded through Bridge project will fulfill a service obligation following the completion of their program. The service obligation entails working in a professional capacity with young children with disabilities for two years for every year of funding
  • $7,500 per year ($1,500 in summer, $3,000 in Fall, and $3,000 in Spring) financial support as a stipend for two years
  • Support for an iPad and software relevant to your curriculum
  • Access to CSUN SIMPACT Immersive Learning experience
  • Financial support for two professional conferences per year