Communication Item:
Review the copy of the confirmation email the new employee received from HR
Call employee to convey welcome and reporting information
- Encourage employee to complete Sign-In documents beforehand to bring with them to campus.
- If they will be new to the area, are there resources you can help identify to make their transition smoother.
Send employee a follow-up email conveying welcome to team, connection to mission, and first day important information:
- Where and when to report with location
- HR Monday Morning Orientation
- Remind them of Forms of Identification needed for sign-in
- Attire (See Day 1)
- Parking (with link to campus map)
- First day lunch (See Day 1)
- Provide link to Organizational Chart or key directories
- Campus | Department | Division
Have the department/division head send a letter communicating welcome and importance of position and connection to mission. (See Sample)
Communicate to staff the new hire’s start date, background, key responsibilities, work location, and contact information
Planning Item:
Have department web-site updated
- Add to department directory
- Add to relevant list-serv/email-groups
Arrange 1st day meet & greet and lunch
Schedule Department, Building & Division Tour
Schedule Campus Tour
- Who will provide it: Manager, Designee or Outreach & Recruitment
Develop a training schedule that spans the first week or two. Avoid any overload of training on the first day.
- Identify individual(s) who will provide training of day-to-day activities
- Identify what department, division or university events are taking place in the first 30 days that the new employee should attend
Preview and plot out mandatory/compliance training to be completed:
- Data Security and FERPA Training (All Employees) should be completed on Day 1
- All other online compliance training should be completed within first week:
- CSU’s Discrimination, Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Prevention Program (Non-Supervisory Employees)
- CSU’s Sexual Misconduct Prevention Program (Required of Supervisors Only, including supervision of student workers)
- CSU’s Discrimination and Harassment Prevention Program (Required of Supervisors Only, including supervision of student workers)
- Injury and Illness Prevention Program (All Employees)
- Identify role specific training:ProCard / Procurement
- Defensive Driver Fundamentals
- Conflict of Interest
- Other
Identify team standing meetings – include the meeting title and recurring dates
Schedule meetings with members of the unit team for acculturation and learning
Identify shadowing opportunities for new hire to attend with direct manager or other team members
Determine a schedule for recurring check-in meetings
Identify university colleagues that the new hire should meet. Pre-schedule those that should take place during the first two weeks
Choose one important, easy win project for the employee; Plan to discuss on the first day and have employee begin to work on during the first week.
Look at the HR Professional & Personal Development Training Calendar and identify what upcoming trainings would be beneficial.
Action Item:
Work Space
Clean work area and set with supplies
Set up computer hardware, software and accessories calendared/set up
If your new employee is a CSUN graduate, they’re now part of CSUN’s “Home Grown” community. Alumni Relations will reach out to the hiring manager and arrange to have a “Home Grown” welcome token/item delivered within the first two weeks.
If starting multiple employees on the same day or close together, consider that all employees are treated equally.
Prepare to order Business Cards, Nameplate
Get keys, Omni Codes – Items necessary for physical access
Arrange phone and voicemail set-up with IT (allow 2 business days)
- Reset name and code
Establish access to shared drives
Link computer to shared printers, etc.
Complete Application Access Request Link as necessary.
Click here to print a complete OnBoarding Staff - Manager's Checklist (pdf)
Click here to print a complete OnBoarding Staff - Manager's Checklist (doc)