Dear Faculty and Staff,
This week we resume our regular our meditation session on Wednesday, October 24th, from 1-1:30 in the CTL conference room. There are so many benefits to meditation-why not join us and treat yourself to a self-care break? We will also keep you informed about the rescheduling of the self-care fair honoring National Health Education Week sponsored by the Klotz Student Health Center. This event was postponed from last week due to high winds, but will be rescheduled soon with many self-care partners on campus offering a tabling fair and a self-care workshop! Please look this and or more opportunities for self-care this fall with the theme of meditation in the scheduled events below, and keep checking the website.
Below are October self-care activity activities:
Oct. 24th, Wednesday 1-1:30 Meditation Moments in CTL Conference Room
Oct. 31st., Wednesday COE Halloween Party 12-2, Ed 1214/1216
Oct. 31st, Wednesday 1-1:30 Meditation Moments in CTL Conference Room-costumes optional!
Nov. 6th, Tuesday, 12-1, Ed 1214/16, Mindful meditation and taste-just in time for Thanksgiving! Lunch Included!
Dec. 4th, Tuesday 12-1, Ed 1214/16, Mindful meditation and sound- singing bowls, and Subpac sound vibrations with David Boyns, Director, CSUN Institute for Community Health and Wellbeing
May you have a great week and find time for some self-care!