Dear Faculty and Staff,
Today, the Klotz Student Health Center invites you to celebrate National Health Education Week by joining our many self-care partners on campus at a tabling fair and self-care workshop between 10AM -12 located in the Cleary Walk East (By the Matador Statue). We will resume our meditations next week on October 24th from 1-1:30 in the CTL conference room. Please look for more opportunities for self-care this fall with the theme of meditation in the scheduled events below, and keep checking the website at:
Below are the October self-care activity activities:
Oct. 15th, Monday 10AM-noon CSUN self-care fair in the Cleary Walk East (By the Matador Statue)
Oct.. 17th, Wednesday Meditation Canceled
Oct. 24th, Wednesday 1-1:30 Meditation Moments in CTL Conference Room
Oct. 31st., Wednesday COE Halloween Party 12-2, Ed 1214/1216
Oct. 31st, Wednesday 1-1:30 Meditation Moments in CTL Conference Room
Nov. 6th, Tuesday, 12-1, Ed 1214/16, Mindful meditation and taste-just in time for Thanksgiving! Lunch Included!
Dec. 4th, Tuesday 12-1, Ed 1214/16, Mindful meditation and sound- singing bowls, and Subpac sound vibrations with David Boyns, Director, CSUN Institute for Community Health and Wellbeing
Please find time to take care of yourselves this week.