Central American Studies

Indigenous Communal Government and the Guatemalan State

Thursday, October 11, 2018 - 11:00am to 12:00pm

USU - Lake View Terrace Room

Indigenous Communal Government and the Guatemalan State - Gladys Tzul Tzul is a Maya K'iche' intellectual specializing in the study of Indigenous Forms of government, communal land ownership and the struggle between State authority and local government.

Gladys Tzul Tzul flyer

She is the author of Gobierno comunal indígena y estado guatemalteco: Algunas claves críticas para comprender su tensa relación (Indigenous Communal Government and the Guatemalan State: Some Critical Perspectives to Understand their Tense Relationship), published this year by the Instituto Amaq', and the book Sistemas de gobierno comunal indígena: Mujeres y tramas de parentesco en Chuimea'ena (Systems of Indigenous Communal Government: Women and Lineage in Chuimea'ena), published in 2016 by the Editorial Maya' Wuj and the Sociedad Comunitaria de Estudios Estratégicos / Tz'i'kin, Centro de Investigación y Pluralismo Jurídico, in Guatemala.  She holds a doctorate in sociology from the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP) in Mexico, and a Masters in Social and Political Studies from the Alberto Hurtado University in Chile.

This lecture is part of Indigenous Resistance Day sponsored by the Department of Central American Studies, the Central American Research & Policy Institute (CARPI), and the Central American United Student Association (CAUSA). 

For questions about accessibility or to request accommodations, please contact the Department of Central American Studies at (818) 677-2736, or beatriz.cortez@csun.edu by October 5, 2018.