• Services

How can you use SIMPACT?


Group Simulations

At SIMPACT, we believe that the social learning that takes place in group simulations is a powerful tool for student growth, while giving institutions the most "bang for their buck." As many as 10-25 students can participate in the simulator together, allowing them to observe, brainstorm and interact with the avatars in the simulation scenarios that match their course objectives. Not all the students will actually interact with the avatar in a group simulation, but they all will participate in the high-level conversation that takes place as they support their classmates in their interactions.

We offer a variety of session packages for group simulations, from "Starter Packages" that provide just a few course sessions, to "Cadillac Packages" that provide institutions enough services for multiple classes over an entire school year. 

For information on pricing and packages, please use the Contact Us link. We will get back to you within three working days.



Individual Simulations

Individual simulations can be used for continued practice, homework, assessment, and/or follow-up. Students can access the system from home or a school-based lab, and can work alone or with a small group of colleagues, sharing the session from their own computers. We recommend using individual simulation after a student has had the opportunity to work in a group simulation with a skilled facilitator.


Facilitation Training

At SIMPACT, we believe that a skilled facilitator can make the difference between a powerful learning experience and just a fun interaction. In facilitation training, faculty will work with an experienced simulation expert to learn how to run a high quality session that will yield strong learning outcomes.

Facilitation Training may be contracted for small groups, with multiple facilitators being trained at once, or may be done individually. 

Minimum 2 hours. Use the Contact Us link for pricing information.



Scenario Development

If your specific learning needs go beyond the available scenarios, you may work with a simulation specialist to create a custom scenario to meet your needs.

SIMPACT will work with you to create a high quality, customized scenario that meets the specific needs of the learners in your program and is individualized to your course learning objectives.

Scenarios development requires a minimum of 2 hours, with one free follow up.  Use the Contact Us link to receive pricing information.