Faculty Resources

Including the LRC on your Canvas page

You have several options for including the LRC on your course Canvas page. 

Link to the LRC's webpage by providing the url: OR

Canvas Page: Add just the LRC's information page to your course's Canvas by searching the commons for "CSUN LRC" 

Canvas Module:

Import the LRC Module!

  1. Log in to From any page, click the Canvas Commons button. 

  1. Type csun lrc in the search bar. “Visit the Writing Center Online” will pop up. Click the name for the current semester's module.


  1. Click the blue “Import/Download” button on the right side of the screen. 

  1. Check the box next to the course(s) you’d like to import the module into. Click the blue “Import to Course” button. 

  1. The course will appear on your “Modules.” If you have other content, this module will be at the bottom. You may need to publish the module so that students can see it. 


Note: if you are teaching an undergraduate class, it might make sense to delete or unpublish the “Asynchronous Feedback for Grad Students” section (the last page).

Suggested Syllabus Information – Feel free to put this directly into your syllabus or adapt as necessary

LRC (general info):

Tutoring in multiple subjects, one-on-one help with writing and grammar, and reading and writing workshops are all available at the Learning Resource Center (LRC), which is located in the University Library, on the east wing of the third floor. 

You may also view our workshop schedule at


General Services (for 100- to 400-level courses)

Our Peer Writing Specialists are graduate and undergraduate students with excellent writing skills. They are ready to empower students to become better writers. The tutors can help students from brainstorm to revision, and all the important steps in between.

You can make a 30- or 60-minute appointment using EAB (see the tutorials on the main page). 

Specialized Services (for graduate coursework, personal documents, and grammar specialists)

Our Faculty Writing Consultants have teaching experience and currently teach at CSUN in various departments. They can help with any step of the process from conception to completion. They are also available to help out with personal statements, resumes, and more.

You can make a 30- or 60-minute appointment using EAB (see the tutorials on the main page). 



The Science, Math, and Related Topics (SMART) Lab offers academic support to help students improve their academic performance. Subjects include accounting, biology, chemistry, economics, mathematics, physics, psychology, and statistics and others. The tutors are accomplished undergraduate and graduate students from a variety of university disciplines who are available to assist students on a walk-in and appointment basis. The SMART Lab is located in the University Library 3rd Floor, East Wing. The schedule can be found on the website: 

Writing Center Workshop / Presentation Requests

Are you assigning an annotated bibliography in your class? Do your students need a refresher on MLA or APA conventions? Does your upper division class need a reminder regarding classic academic conventions of writing, or a little extra guidance on organization and structure of writing within your discipline?

Maybe you just want your students to be made aware of this free and fabulous resource via a visit from a friendly writing consultant?

If you are interested in having an LRC Writing Center presentation or academic skills workshop for your class/group, feel free to contact the Writing Programs Coordinator:

Please request as early as possible, as we do get booked up quickly! Thank you for supporting your students, their writing, and student support at the LRC.


Prompt Feedback (get a student perspective on your prompt before you assign it!)

Not sure if your prompts are clear enough to your students? Worried about the length or organization? 

Check out our Prompt Feedback Service!

Here's how it works: A team of our student writing consultants will look over you prompt or rubric and give feedback based on both a student's and a tutor's perspective. This feedback will normally be delivered to you within a week of submission via email, although longer time is possible in high traffic times. If you are interested in this fantastic new service, click here to submit! Alternatively, you can email and submit your prompt that way. 

Borrow-a-Tutor (extra help in the classroom, when you need it!)

Borrow-A-Tutor: Are you planning an instructor-intensive, hands-on activity? Do you wish you could clone yourself to get everything done in the classroom? Well, we can’t actually clone you, but we can send someone trained, knowledgeable, and ready to work with you in your classroom for the day. Our tutors have helped with in-class peer review, workshopping, practice interviews, and more. If you can think of it, we can help! Let us know what you need and we’ll pair you with the right tutor. Interested? Email the Writing Programs Coordinator:


Faculty Development/ Writing Center Collaboration on How to Design Transparent Assignments

Transparent Assignment Design

Do you find it challenging to manage course content while also addressing unanticipated student writing shortfalls? Do you tell your students, “go get help at the LRC Writing Center?” While the Writing Center helps students with writing at all stages, many faculty don’t realize some easy ways they can facilitate connecting students with this campus support, even in this remote learning moment. Please join the LRC in a four-part series in collaboration with Faculty Development where you’ll select a real assignment, rewrite the assignment guidelines and receive peer feedback on how to make it more transparent. The current semester has started; check back for next semester!