Center for Teaching and Learning


February 21, 2018

Interested in sharing your knowledge and expertise with other teachers and administrators? Write an article for our T-CARE newsletter and reach thousands of educators!

Here are the guidelines for our peer-reviewed newsletter:

  1. Word count: 275 words for the "Self Care Spotlight," and 550-650 words for any other article.
  2. Use an informal voice. (Before you start writing, please review past issues to get a feel for the tone of our articles
  3. Provide practical strategies that are geared toward educators.
  4. Use minimal references. One or two at most. Any references should be included in the word count.
  5. When you're ready with your submission, send it to with the subject line "TCARE Article Submission."
  6. Submit your article as an attached word document.
  7. Put your name/contact information on a separate cover page and be sure to indicate which column you've written an article for (What Really Works, Tips from a TOY, The Caring Connection, Admin Corner, or Self Care Spotlight).

We look forward to hearing from you!

Visit the CTL homepage here.