Dr. Tao "Eric" Hu joined CSUN faculty in Fall, 2017, and is an Assistant Professor of Information Systems at the Department of Accounting & Information Systems. Before joining CSUN, Dr. Hu had been an Associate Professor of Information Systems at School of Business & Economics of King University, Bristol TN, where he had also served as the Director of Bachelor of Information Technology.
Dr. Hu received his M.A. from Yangzhou University, China and his M.S.B.A and Ph.D. in Business Administration in Management Information Systems from Fogelman College of Business & Economics of The University of Memphis, TN.
Dr. Hu’s research focuses on areas such as service innovation/social commerce, business analytics, value-based strategies of social media use, and research methodology. He has published studies in IS journals such as European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS), Communications of AIS (CAIS), Journal of Computer Information Systems (JCIS), Journal of Information Technology Management (JITM), Education and Information Technologies(EIT), and others.
Dr. Hu has gained rich teaching experience in the IS area in both Chinese and American schools, and has taught almost all core courses at undergraduate, graduate, and research seminar levels.