University Advancement

  • Oviatt Library

Lee Jay Berman Named as NADN's 2017 'Distinguished Neutral of the Year'

Mr. Berman honed his skills as a lecturer and trainer during his time as Director of the "Mediating the Litigated Case" Program at Pepperdine Law School's Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution, a position he held for seven years. Lee Jay left Pepperdine to found the American Institute of Mediation, dedicated to providing "world-class training for the complete mediator." In that capacity, Lee Jay has taught at Southwestern Law School, University of Texas, Southern Methodist University, Cal-State Northridge, UC Santa Barbara, and Bond University (Brisbane, Australia). In addition, Lee Jay has trained judges, attorneys and business leaders in India, Australia, Europe and the Middle East. As an author, he has published numerous articles on mediation, negotiation, and ADR, along with his blog ‘Eye On Conflict,' and the ABA will be publishing two of his books in 2018.


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