Gender and Women's Studies

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  • Gender & Women's Studies
  • Ni Una Menos
  • Double Major with Gender and Women's Studies

How to Change the Culture of Violence to a Culture of Peace

Wednesday, November 30, 2016 - 11:00am to 12:15pm

JR 221
Dr. Farideh Kioumehr-Dadsetan flyer

Dr. Farideh Kioumehr-Dadsetan is the Founder and Executive Director of the International Health and Epidemiology Research Center (IHERC) - A non-profit organization- established in 1994-Dedicated to the research and prevention of epidemic diseases. As part of that mission, she established the innovative Anti-Violence Campaign for Peace project that identifies violence as a preventable social epidemic disease.

Dr. Kioumehr received her D.V.M. (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine) from the University of Tehran. She continued her education at the University of Michigan, School of Public Health, in Ann Arbor, Michigan earning her M.P.H. and Dr. P.H. degree in the field of Epidemiology. 

She has served as the Director of the Health Planning Department, and has taught as a professor at medical school and schools of Public Health internationally, for many years.

She has authored numerous scientific papers and book chapters, has been an invited guest speaker in many academic settings, as well as many television and radio programs, both domestically and abroad.

Dr. Kioumehr has received numerous awards, including the very first "Peace Award" from the American Public Health Association (APHA), has received distinctions from President Clinton, Vice President Al Gore, Senators Diane Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, LAUSD Board of Education, and others. She is a senior member and active affiliate of many scientific organizations and associations, including APHA, PSR, Amnesty International, NAPF, LAGVPN, WAGV, and many more.

She also is the President of the America Medical Imaging Center in Burbank, and serves as a member of the Board of Directors since 2006. Dr. Kioumehr is an activist for Human Right issues, Peace and Justice, especially violence against women and children, advocates tirelessly for nuclear weapons abolition, and is a true believer of a nuclear weapon free world.

For more information, please see:

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