Academic First Year Experiences

Poster Gallery: So You've Been Publicly Shamed

About these posters

These posters were designed by students in Prof. Laurel Long's spring 2016 upper-division illustration class at CSUN. They were displayed in various locations around campus throughout the 2016-2017 academic year.

The gallery

Alanar Miguel's design features part of a face outlined in white and nearly overwhelmed by darkness and disorder. Kay-Ann Miguel's design blurs the distinction between life and virtual reality.In Stephanie Bush's design, shaming words from hostile mouths spotlight a lone figure.Byron Zuniga's design emphasizes shame as spectacle using a circus themeIn Rachael Silveri's design, ominous red figures gossip mercilessly as they surround a silhouetted man figured in red and black. Cherie Barbeau's design shows a marbled head turned away in shame.In this design by Louis Barreto, social media symbols blanket a figure while hands cover his ears and mouth.Sarah Guzman's design shows SHAME tying down a Gulliver-like figure.In Yong Chun's design, a figure silhouetted by harsh white light walks through a dirty urban landscape.Angelica Macaspac's design features sharp words, arrows, and fingers poking the back of a slouching figure.Teni Haroutunians depicts shadowy figures surrounding a half-buried victim in a vortex of shame.This design by Marianna Reyes features a Medusa-like figure with creepy tresses ending in eyes, noses, and mouths.Elizabeth Rodriguez offers a nightmarish vision of Twitter birds as they peck away at a victim imaged in a cell phone photo.

Giving credit to the student artists

Artist attributions: if you're using a laptop with Chrome, Firefox, or Safari, the name of each student artist should appear as you float your cursor over each poster. On an iPhone, tap each image twice. The artist's name is also embedded as part of each ALT image description. 

The winning designs

Alanar Miguel's vivid design (top left) won top honors: Tears of shame drop from the eye of the figure outlined in white, a person who is evidently being crowded out of the frame by public shaming and overwhelmed by the black background of the design.

Kay-Ann Miguel (second image, top row) placed second with her illustration of a computer monitor that appears to have trapped the person seated before it. 

More about So You've Been Publicly Shamed at CSUN

So You've Been Publicly Shamed by Jon Ronson was CSUN's Freshman Common Reading for the 2016-2017 academic year.

Visit the archived page for the book for information about Ronson's visit to campus for Freshman Convocation and for an overview of student projects created in response to the book for the Fall 2016 Freshman Celebration.

You'll find resources for teaching and discussing the book on the Faculty/Staff Resource page.

What's the next book?

Visit the Common Reading home page to see what the current year's class is reading.

CSUN students, faculty, staff, administrators, and alumni are welcome to nominate a title for consideration for a future year. Check out our instructions for nominating a title.