David Nazarian College of Business and Economics

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International Study Tour

What is the International Study Tour?

The International Study Tour was created to provide extraordinary opportunities for our students to discover other countries and cultures, and to venture outside their comfort zone. It prepares our students for the reality of a globalized business world, where the United States is part of a large network of international business connections.

It is important for our students to learn how to become globalization-savvy and be prepared for international careers. Even if they do not choose to work abroad, it is likely that at one point in their career, their company or organization will have international business operations or ties. The personal enrichment generated by the International Study Tour is also extremely valuable, in addition to the professional benefits. It builds confidence, improves communication, broadens horizons and is an opportunity for our students to experience independence and responsibility. Furthermore, our students are able to connect with students from the local area and understand their culture and life.

The International Study Tour’s length is generally between 10 days and two weeks. It is organized by the Nazarian College, and financed in part by the students, but mostly by donations and grants. The business visits on the trip provide students the opportunity to apply multi-discipline knowledge to the business context of the visited country, and connect them with the studied disciplines. Students also go on cultural visits to places of interest. Free time is provided to the students for their own discovery of the country, under the supervision of faculty members from the Nazarian College.

Th study tour is not credit-earning and can only accommodate 20-25 students.

China Study Tour Application Deadline: TBA

Germany Study Tour Application Deadline: TBA

Program Dates


  • TBA


  • TBA


  • China - TBA
  • Germany - TBA

Study Tour Educational Content


A mix of business visits of local organizations and cultural visits to places of interest in or near Shanghai, China. 


The program in Germany will focus on the development and maintenance of an “ethical corporate culture”. Specifically, we will examine the impact that corporate culture has on operations when a U.S. company operates within the German culture. In this way, we hope to explore the ways in which corporate cultures differ across national boundaries, particularly for US-based companies operating overseas. This experience will be especially important given that Germany is considered to be the economic hub of the European Union. This carefully curated opportunity to introduce students to German corporate culture provides invaluable knowledge and first-hand experience that the student can then apply to their chosen career paths. Further, the norms illustrated within this context will provide students with direct evidence that their current understanding of corporate culture is inadequate. This will assist in helping students realize that “how business operates” in the U.S. is simply one perspective on how businesses should function in society. Part of our goal is to introduce “culture shock” to the students so they experience a disequilibrium in their beliefs about corporate culture, and then use this opening to develop and teach a unique set of skills to the participants that will better enable them to function effectively in an international business environment. It is when students deal with the unknown that they are more receptive to education and the growth it can provide.

Important Dates


  • TBA


  • TBA


9-10 nights lodging in 3-star hotels with internet access, breakfast, and double or triple occupancy.



The Nazarian College desires to offer opportunities to its students to discover foreign cultures and business environments. Thus, each student will only pay a maximum of $800 for this study tour and the Nazarian College will cover all remaining expenses. The trip cost will include international airfare, local transportation, business visits, visits to places of interest and some meals. Student participants will provide a deposit of $400 in January 2020 (for China) and pay the balance approximately 2 months before departure.

The following expenses are not included in the $800 trip cost and are the responsibility of each participant: transportation to/from the LAX airport, costs of passport and visa application, immunizations, meals not covered during the travel period, and any personal expenses such as laundry, souvenirs, etc.


  1. Must be majoring in any of the undergraduate degree programs of the Nazarian College at the time of the trip.
  2. Minimum overall GPA of 3.0 and CSUN GPA of 2.75 at the time of applying.
  3. Completion at least of 60 units and Bus302/L at the time of the trip.
  4. Must provide a valid passport.

*Note: Priority consideration will be given to applicants who have no prior international travel experience.


The application includes personal, academic, and financial information, as well as an essay that describes the interest of the applicant for this study tour.

Participating students will be asked to attend meetings taking place before and after the trip (preparation and debrief). Additionally, participants are expected to contribute to the future internationalization efforts by sharing their trip experience through various formats of the marketing campaign which may include written reports, oral presentations, and attendance to study tour promotion events.

Passport & Visa


  • Students will be required to provide valid passports to the study tour organizers during the first preparation meeting. A travel visa issued by the Chinese government is required for visiting the country. Please note that the Chinese Consulate will not issue the required visa if your passport expires within 6 months of the planned travel date. If your passport expires before December 31, 2020, you need to renew your passport before it can be submitted for visa application.  Additionally, all travelers will have to provide a copy of their driver's license or state-issued ID along with the valid passport. Due to new regulations of the Chinese government, the travel agency cannot secure a Chinese visa for travelers born in any Middle East country. These travelers will have to apply for their own visa in person at the Chinese Consulate General in Los Angeles.  

Additional Information

The organizers and the student participants will follow a rigorous preparation schedule to ensure a safe, rewarding, and pleasant study tour full of learning, discovery, great memories, and fun.

Once students are approved for the trip, they will be enrolled in a class in Canvas. This class will have a webpage with all the necessary information and the Canvas functionalities of communication.