David Nazarian College of Business and Economics

  • Bookstein Hall Su21 Hours

    Dean's Message to Students

  • Commencement_1128x365

    David Nazarian Receives Honorary Doctorate

  • MBA students working together

    Free Business Consulting Services

  • AACSB Recognizes Nazarian College for its "Innovations that Inspire" program.

    Nazarian College Receives AACSB Recognition

Impact Journals (as identified by Academic Departments)




Accounting and Business Research

Accounting and Finance

Accounting Historians Journal

Accounting Horizons

Accounting Review

Accounting, Organizations and Society

Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics

Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory

Behavioral Research in Accounting

British Accounting Review

British Tax Review

Business History Review

Columbia Journal of Tax Law

Contemporary Accounting Research

Critical Perspectives in Accounting

Florida Tax Review

Houston Business and Tax Law Journal

International Journal of Accounting, The

Journal of Accounting and Economics

Journal of Accounting and Public Policy

Journal of Accounting Literature

Journal of Accounting Research

Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance

Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics

Journal of International Accounting Research

Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting

Journal of Management Accounting Research

Journal of the American Taxation Association

Management Accounting Research

National Tax Journal, The

Pittsburgh Tax Review

Review of Accounting Studies

Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting

Tax Law Review (NYU)

Tax Lawyer (ABA/Northwestern)

Virginia Tax Review



Issues in Accounting Education

Journal of Accounting Education



CPA Journal

Journal of Accountancy

Journal of Taxation

Updated 11/06/2023

Business Law

Business Law  

American Business Law Journal (Academy of Legal Studies in Business)

Arizona State

Boston College

Boston University

Brigham Young

Columbia University

Cornell University

Duke University

Emory University

Fordham University

George Washington University

Georgetown University

Harvard University

Indiana University

New York University

Northwestern University

Ohio State

Stanford University

University of Alabama

University of California Berkeley

University of California Davis

University of California Irvine

University of California Los Angeles

University of Chicago

University of Florida

University of Georgia

University of Illinois

University of Iowa

University of Michigan

University of Minnesota

University of North Carolina

University of Notre Dame

University of Pennsylvania

University of Southern California (Gould)

University of Texas

University of Virginia

University of Wisconsin

Vanderbilt University

Washington & Lee

Washington University in St. Louis

William & Mary University

Yale University



Journal of Legal Studies Education (Academy of Legal Studies in Business)

Journal of Law & Ethics Pedagogy (Academy of Legal Studies in Business)



American Bar Association journals (excluding newsletters and magazines)

Business Ethics (Cross-Disciplinary)

Business & Society

Business & Society Review

Business and Professional Ethics Journal

Business Ethics Quarterly

Business Ethics: A European Review

Ethical Theory and Moral Practice

Ethics and Information Technology

Harvard Business Review

Journal of Business Ethics



Journal of Business Ethics Education

Journal of Business Law and Ethics Pedagogy



Business Ethics: The Magazine of Corporate Social Responsibility

California Management Review

Real Estate

Appraisal Journal


European Urban and Regional Studies

Housing Economics, Journal of

Housing Policy Debate

Housing Policy, International Journal of

Housing Research, Journal of

Housing Studies

International Real Estate Review

Land Economics

Land Use Policy

Papers in Regional Science

Population Studies: A Journal of Demography

Property Research, Journal of

Real Estate Economics

Real Estate Finance and Economics, Journal of

Real Estate Law Journal

Real Estate Literature, Journal of

Real Estate Portfolio Management, Journal of

Real Estate Practice and Education, Journal of

Real Estate Research, Journal of

Regional Science and Urban Economics

Regional Science, Journal of

Regional Studies

Review of Urban & Regional Development Studies

Urban Affairs Review

Urban Affairs, Journal of

Urban and Regional Research, International Journal of

Urban Economics, Journal of

Urban Studies

 Updated 11/06/2023




American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 

American Economic Journal: Economic Policy

American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics

American Economic Review

American Economic Review: Insights

Applied Economics BE Journal of Macroeconomics

Canadian Journal of Economics

Contemporary Economic Policy

Defence and Peace Economics

Econometric Theory


Economic and Politics

Economic Development and Cultural Change

Economic Inquiry

Economic Journal

Economic Policy: A European Forum

Economic Theory


Economics Letters

Economics of Education Review

Energy Economics

Energy Journal

Environmental and Resource Economics

European Economic Review 

Explorations in Economic History

Games and Economic Behavior

Health Economics

International Journal of Central Banking

International Economic Review 

International Journal of Industrial Organization

Journal of Applied Econometrics

Journal of Banking and Finance

Journal of Business & Economic Statistics

Journal of Comparative Economics

Journal of Conflict Resolutions

Journal of Development Economics

Journal of Econometrics

Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization

Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 

Journal of Economic Geography

Journal of Economic Growth

Journal of Economic History

Journal of Economic Psychology

Journal of Economics and Management Strategy

Journal of Economic Theory

Journal of Environmental Economics and Management Strategy 

Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 

Journal of Health Economics

Journal of Housing Economics

Journal of Human Resources 

Journal of Industrial Economics

Journal of International Economics 

Journal of International Money and Finance 

Journal of Labor Economics

Journal of Law and Economics

Journal of Law, Economics and Organization

Journal of Macroeconomics

Journal of Mathematical Economics

Journal of Monetary Economics 

Journal of Money Credit and Banking

Journal of Political Economy 

Journal of Population Economics

Journal of Public Economics

Journal of Risk and Insurance

Journal of Risk and Uncertainty

Journal of Urban Economics

Labour Economics

Macroeconomic Dynamics


National Tax Journal

Oxford Bulletin of Economics Statics

Oxford Economic Papers

Public Choice

Quarterly Journal of Economics

RAND Journal of Economics 

Real Estate Economics

Regional Science and Urban Economics

Resource and Energy Economics

Review of Economic Dynamics 

Review of Economic Studies

Review of Economics and Statistics

Scandiavian Journal of Econmics

Social Choice and Welfare

Southern Economic Journal

World Bank Economic Review, The

World Development

World Economy, The

Updated 11/06/2023

Finance, Financial Planning, and Insurance

Finance, Financial Planning, and Insurance

Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies

Business Valuation Review

Critical Finance Review

Emerging Markets Finance and Trade

Emerging Markets Review

European Financial Management

European Journal of Finance, The

Finance and Stochastic

Finance Research Letters

Financial Analysts Journal

Financial Management

Financial Markets, Institutions and Instruments

Financial Review, The

Financial Services Review

Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice, The

Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Review, The

Global Finance Journal

International Journal of Managerial Finance

International Review of Economics and Finance

International Review of Finance

International Review of Financial Analysis

Journal of Applied Corporate Finance

Journal of Banking & Finance

Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance

Journal of Behavioral Finance

Journal of Business Valuation and Economic Loss Analysis

Journal of Commodity Markets

Journal of Corporate Finance

Journal of Derivatives, The

Journal of Empirical Finance

Journal of Finance, The

Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis

Journal of Financial Economics

Journal of Financial Intermediation

Journal of Financial Markets

Journal of Financial Planning

Journal of Financial Research, The

Journal of Financial Services Research

Journal of Fixed Income, The

Journal of Futures Markets, The

Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money

Journal of International Money and Finance

Journal of Multinational Financial Management

Journal of Personal Finance

Journal of Portfolio Management, The

Journal of Risk and Insurance

Journal of Risk Finance, The

Journal of Sustainable Finance and Investment

Mathematical Finance

Pacific Basin Finance Journal

Quantitative Finance

Quarterly Journal of Finance

Research in International Business and Finance

Review of Asset Pricing Studies, The

Review of Corporate Finance Studies

Review of Finance

Review of Financial Studies, The




Academy of Management Annals

Academy of Management Journal

Academy of Management Perspectives

Academy of Management Review

Administrative Science Quarterly

Applied Psychology: An International Review

Asia Pacific Journal of Management

British Journal of Management

Business Horizons

Career Development International

Entrepreneurship and Regional Development

Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practices

European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology

Family Business Review

Group & Organization Management

Human Relations

Human Resource Development Quarterly

Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management Journal

Human Resource Management Review

Industrial and Corporate Change Innovation: Organization and Management

International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research

International Journal of Management Reviews

International Small Business Journal

Journal of Applied Psychology

Journal of Business and Psychology

Journal of Business Venturing

Journal of Engineering and Technology Management

Journal of International Management

Journal of Management

Journal of Management Inquiry

Journal of Management Studies

Journal of Managerial Psychology

Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology

Journal of Occupational Health Psychology

Journal of Organizational Behavior

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

Journal of Small Business Management

Journal of Social and Personal Relationships

Journal of Social Entrepreneurship

Journal of Vocational Behavior

Leadership and Organizational Development Journal

Leadership Quarterly

Management and Organization Review

Management Decision


Organization Science

Organization Studies

Organizational Behavior Human Decisions Processes

Organizational Psychology Review

Organizational Research Methods

Personnel Psychology

Research Policy

Small Business Economics

Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal

Strategic Management Journal

Strategic Organization

Stress and Health

Technology Forecasting and Social Change


Work & Stress



MIT Sloan Management Review



Academy of Management Learning & Education

Journal of Management Education

Updated 11/03/2023



Computers in Human Behavior

Consumption Markets & Culture

European Journal of Marketing

Industrial Marketing Management

International Journal of Market Research

International Journal of Research in Marketing

International Marketing Review

Journal of Advertising

Journal of Advertising Research

Journal of Association of Consumer Research

Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing

Journal of Business Research

Journal of Consumer Affairs

Journal of Consumer Behaviour

Journal of Consumer Culture

Journal of Consumer Marketing

Journal of Consumer Psychology

Journal of Consumer Research

Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management

Journal of Global Marketing

Journal of Interactive Marketing

Journal of International Business Studies

Journal of International Marketing

Journal of Macromarketing

Journal of Marketing

Journal of Marketing Management

Journal of Marketing Research

Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice

Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management

Journal of Product and Brand Management

Journal of Public Policy and Marketing

Journal of Retailing

Journal of Service Research

Journal of Services Marketing

Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science

Marketing Letters

Marketing Science

Marketing Theory

Psychology and Marketing



Journal of Education for Business (cross-disciplinary pedagogical)

Journal of Marketing Education

Marketing Education Review

 Updated 12/14/2023

Systems and Operations Management

Systems and Operations Management

Annals of Operations Research

Applied Mathematical Modelling

Computers & Industrial Engineering

Computers & Operations Research

Decision Analysis

Decision Sciences

European Journal of Operational Research

Expert Systems with Applications

Health Care Management Science

IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management

IISE Transactions

Information Systems and Operational Research

INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics

International Journal of Logistics Management

International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications

International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management

International Journal of Medical Informatics

International Journal of Operations and Production Management

International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management

International Journal of Production Economics

International Journal of Production Research

International Journal of System Science: Operation and Logistics

International Transactions in Operational Research

Journal of Business Logistics

Journal of Cleaner Production

Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management

Journal of Operations Management

Journal of Public Transportation

Journal of Remanufacturing

Journal of Supply Chain Management

Journal of the Operational Research Society

Management Science

Manufacturing and Service Operations Management 

Maritime Economics & Logistics

Naval Research Logistics


Operations Management Research

Operations Research

Operations Research Letters

Production and Operations Management

Production Planning and Control

Public Transport

Supply Chain Management: An International Journal

Theory and Decision

Total Quality Management and Business Excellence

Transportation Journal

Transportation Research Part B: Methodological

Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review

Transportation Science



Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education

INFORMS Transactions on Education



ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery Data

ACM Transactions on Recommender Systems

Artificial Intelligence in Medicine

Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine

Health Information Management Journal

IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering

Journal of Biomedical Informatics

Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association

Statistical Methods in Medical Research

Information Systems

ACM Transactions on Information Systems

ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction

AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction

Behavior and Information Technology

Communications of the ACM

Communications of the Association for Information Systems

Computers and Security

Computers in Human Behavior

Decision Support Systems

Electronic Commerce Research and Application

Electronic Markets

Ethics and Information Technology

European Journal of Information Systems

Government Information Quarterly

Human-Computer Interaction

Information and Management

Information and Organization

Information Communication and Society

Information Processing and Management

Information Systems

Information Systems Frontiers

Information Systems Journal

Information Systems Research

Information Technology and People 

Information Technology and Tourism

Information Technology for Development

INFORMS Journal on Computing

International Journal of Accounting Information Systems

International Journal of Electronic Commerce

International Journal of Information Management

Internet Research

ISACA Journal

Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology

Journal of the Association for Information Systems

Journal of Behavioral Decision Making

Journal of Computer Information Systems

Journal of Electronic Commerce Research

Journal of Global Information Management

Journal of Information Technology

Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application

Journal of Management Information Systems

Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce

Journal of Strategic Information Systems

MIS Quarterly

MIS Quarterly Executive

Online Social Networks and Media

Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory

Social Media and Society

User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction



Journal of Information Systems Education

Updated 12/14/2023