BTS: A Global Interdisciplinary Conference II

  • BTS group on stage
  • BTS group at a meet the press
  • BTS group dancing on stage
  • BTS group at meet the press

BTS A Global Interdisciplinary Online Conference


Light globes with Papers label


A single-authored work devoted to one of the themes of the conference to be delivered in no longer than 20 minutes, inclusive of all material; can be delivered with PowerPoint, Google Slides, or other visual accompaniment, including video clips. Be prepared to take questions from the conference participants at the end of the presentation.

bus bench stop with Panels labelPanels:

Pre-constituted with 3 or 4 individual papers, devoted to a single or related subject or theme; each paper on the panel to be delivered in no longer than 20 minutes, inclusive of all material; can be delivered with PowerPoint, Google Slides, or other visual accompaniment, including video clips. Panelists should be prepared to take questions from the conference participants at the end of the panel presentations. 

Flowers with Pechakucha label


Sometimes compared to “show and tell” the term pechakucha is Japanese, meaning “chit chat.”  Using only 20 slides/images, presenters have 20 seconds per slide to present their ideas.  The two pechakucha themes for this conference are:  1.  Recognize Your Bias.  Which member of BTS is your bias?  Why? We have room on this panel for 8 presenters – one for each member and one OT7.  The other theme for our two pechakucha panels is The Importance of BTS During Covid

Person holding a smoke flare with Videos label


An original video.  May be a creative or scholarly work with the creator present to introduce the video and take questions from the conference participants at the end of the screening.

Carousel with Workshops label


A group of participants (usually 4-6) prepare brief introductory remarks and then with a guided format under the leadership of a chairperson discuss a particular issue, generally, a pedagogical concern involving the study, teaching, or other public dissemination of a conference aim or goal.

We look forward to contributions from students, ARMY, and industry professionals, and early career academics, as well as senior scholars. 
Workshops, performances, and video screenings, as well as formal presentations, are welcome.

Please submit a 300-word abstract (summary) of your proposed twenty-minute presentation and a short bio to

Videos may be longer. 

If you are proposing a panel, you must provide an abstract and short biography of each presenter. 

If you are proposing a video, please provide a link to the video so that it can be screened by the organizing committee.

 The deadline for all proposals is November 6th

For more information contact