Marilyn Magaram Center

DI Graduation

June 5, 2020

On Friday, May 29th, the 2019-2020 Dietetic Interns celebrated their virtual graduation ceremony, co-hosted by CSUN and Northeast Valley Health Corporation WIC.  As a result of COVID-19 and the many challenges they faced with ongoing transitions, the resiliency of this cohort will always be remembered and we are so proud of their well-deserved success.

Despite the virtual setting, the white coat ceremony was successfully conducted and was the highlight of the graduation.  Every intern was given a moment to shine and the chance to take family photos to remember the day.  We extend our sincerest congratulations to all of our graduates and wish them the best in their future endeavors!

DI Cohort 2020-2021

We would also like to welcome the 2020-2021 incoming cohort of dietetic interns.  While their internships may look different than anticipated, they will surely gain valuable experience and memories to last a lifetime!