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Week 2: Secure Browsing/Privacy

*Please note: Although the official theme for Week 2 is Multifactor Authentication, we believe the topic aligns better with the Week 1 topic, so this week will be focused on secure browsing and privacy. 

Your online privacy is under constant threat, and it's crucial to take proactive steps to protect your personal information. In this digital age, secure browsing practices are more important than ever. Let's explore why safeguarding your online privacy matters and how you can achieve it.

Why Secure Browsing Matters:

  • Protect Personal Information: Secure browsing prevents your sensitive information, such as financial details and personal data, from falling into the wrong hands.

  • Defend Against Cyberattacks: Malicious actors are always looking for vulnerabilities. Secure browsing helps guard against phishing attempts, malware, and other cyber threats.

  • Preserve Anonymity: It ensures your online activities remain private, shielding you from unwarranted tracking and surveillance.



Best Practices for Secure Browsing:

  • Use HTTPS: Always check for the padlock icon in the address bar and "https://" in the URL before sharing personal information or making online transactions.

  • Stay Updated: Keep your browser and operating system up to date to ensure you have the latest security patches.

  • Beware of Phishing: Exercise caution with unexpected emails, links, and attachments. Confirm the legitimacy of websites and email senders before interacting. If it looks phishy, it probably is! For more information or to report phishing, click here.

  • Be Aware of Scams/Fake Opportunities: Before clicking on a potential scam, be skeptical of whatever it is offering and always verify the legitimacy of websites, advertisements, emails, or text messages.

  • Adopt a VPN: A Virtual Private Network (VPN) encrypts your internet connection, improving your online privacy and security. If you're a faculty member, staff, or student, you can access CSUN's VPN for free using your credentials!

  • Privacy Settings: Review and adjust privacy settings on your browser and online accounts. Limit data sharing whenever possible.

  • Regularly Clear Cookies and Cache: These can contain personal data. Periodically clear them or use private browsing modes.



Week 2 Summary:

Take Action Today!

  • Implement Secure Browsing: Review your current online practices and adopt the secure browsing tips mentioned above.

  • Educate Others: Share this message with friends, family, and colleagues to help them protect their privacy as well.

  • Stay Informed: Stay up to date with the latest cybersecurity trends and threats to remain vigilant.

  • Report Suspicious Activity: If you encounter suspicious online activity, report it to the appropriate authorities or organizations.

Your online privacy is worth protecting. By adopting secure browsing practices, you're taking a significant step toward maintaining your digital security and personal data confidentiality.

Additional Resources:


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