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Overwhelmed By Technology?

April 20, 2021

person in chair stressing about technology

Over the last year of teaching during the global pandemic, faculty have been asked to move from a face-to-face classroom to a virtual online classroom teaching synchronously or asynchronously. According to Collegis Education News, faculty are getting stressed out over the mental and physical exhaustion of teaching on Zoom this last year.

Do you need to overcome the lack of face-to-face interaction with students?

Do you need your classes to be more interactive? Read more about Overwhelmed By Technology

Better File Management: Moving video files from Canvas to Panopto

April 20, 2021

canvas tips and tricks logo

Do you upload the videos you use in your courses to the Files area of Canvas? Do you have multiple copies of the same videos in several different courses? Do your course imports take forever because of all the videos you have? You can make your course video file management a breeze by using Panopto to host your video files. Panopto is a dedicated video platform that makes it simple to distribute and share video content. Beyond freeing up space in your Canvas course, uploading your videos to Panopto has several additional benefits. Read more about Better File Management: Moving video files from Canvas to Panopto

What's Your Personal Fuel Strategy?

March 23, 2021

icon of fuel gauge showing quarter tank left against blue background

A dear friend sent me an inspiring YouTube link about race car driver Danica Patrick. In 2008, Patrick became the first woman to win a major league IndyCar event. Patrick took the lead in the Indy Japan 300, finishing almost six seconds ahead of the next driver, who ran out of fuel in the final turns of the track.

What’s interesting to note is that in 2006, Patrick ran out of fuel with three laps to go in the Firestone Indy 400.  In Japan, Patrick elected to refuel before she needed to, a strategy that allowed her to win the race.  

Read more about What's Your Personal Fuel Strategy?


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