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How a Course Map Puts You on Track for Better Learning Outcomes

August 10, 2015

Faculty sitting at a table and having a meeting.

Photo Courtesy of Faculty Focus

"For both new and veteran faculty, inheriting a syllabus to teach from is like being blindfolded on a long journey and being told, “Don’t worry, you’ll know it when we get there.” There’s a lot of trust required in order to follow someone else’s map. There are road hazards the mapmaker may not be aware of; there may be alternate routes that might get you there more directly; and it may even be prudent to choose another mode of transportation to get there.

More often than not, when I follow someone else’s syllabus, I get lost along the way and sometimes don’t end up at all where I thought we would be at semester’s end. In order to effectively meet the expected course outcomes and/or student learning outcomes (SLOs), it’s important to have a well-thought-out course map."

Read more at Faculty Focus