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AppJam Kickoff

Thursday, March 3, 2016 - 4:00pm to 5:30pm

Sequoia Hall 104

 AppJam 2016 logo.

CSUN students--undergraduate and graduate students--are signing up to compete in CSUN’s mobile app competition, AppJam. On March 3, teams will gather at the AppJam kickoff to review the requirements, to hear about the prizes, and to ask questions. All are invited to attend this exciting event.

The last day to register for the competition is March 3, 2016 so get your team together, register for the competition and then be sure to attend the kickoff on Thursday, March 3, 2016 from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. in Sequoia Hall 104

This year's Kickoff will feature a brief presentation by CSUN alumni David Reichelt, the creator of the wildly popular app, Color Switch. Reichelt will share the story of how his game app made it to the top of the iTunes Charts.

CSUN Alumni David Reichelt with a mobile phone showing his app, Color Switch

 For more information about the AppJam 2016 competition, please email