Insurance and Risk Management -2022

  • Cell Phone Use in Vehicles - Banner

Cell Phone Use in Vehicle

Employees are expected to comply with the letter and intent of laws that prohibit the use of cell phones while operating a motor vehicle.

The California DMV “Driver Handbook” notes that effective July 1, 2011, regardless of age, it is illegal to drive a motor vehicle while using an electronic wireless communication device to write, send, or read text messages, instant messages, and e-mail(s). Also, with certain exceptions, you may not use a cell phone while driving unless hands-free equipment is used. Cell phones can be a lifesaver in emergency situations. Use your cell phone in the following safe and responsible ways while driving:

  • Use hands-free devices.
  • When safe, drive to the side of the road to use your cell phone.
  • If your cell phone rings, let the call go to voicemail.
  • Don’t use the cell phone during hazardous conditions.
  • Don’t engage in distracting conversations.
  • Pay attention to the road.
  • Use your cell phone to call for help in an emergency.

CSUN expects that our employees obey the letter and intent of the new laws, especially when CSUN provides the cell phone or other wireless communication device, or reimburses the employee for business-related personal mobile device charges. Employees should further understand that any citations, fines, and penalties for violating vehicle laws are the employee’s full responsibility. Please consult with your supervisor regarding approval for reimbursable use of mobile communication device expenses.

Also, see Vehicle Code Section 23123 Hand Held Wireless Telephone Prohibited Use.