Data Champions Directory


Kourosh Sedghisigarchi

Electric & Computer Engineering

Student Success Paths in CECS (PPTX)

Maryam Tabibzadeh

Manufacturing Systems Engineering and Management

Change of Major in the CECS: Analysis of Components Around This Topic (PPTX)

Scott Andrews

English/American Indian Studies 

Diversity Courses & Retention (PPTX)

Teresa Williams-Leon

Asian American Studies

Ethnic Studies Critical Thinking Courses & Reverse Achievement: Qualitative Report (PPTX)


Anwar Alroomi

Civil Engineering and Construction Management

Understanding High DFU rates in Gateway Courses in CECS (PPTX) 

Maryam Tabibzadeh

Manufacturing Systems Engineering and Management

Comprehensive Analysis of the Impact of Change of Major in CECS on Graduation Rates (PPTX)

Shahnam Mirzaei

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Effect of Math Placement Tests on Student Academic Achievement (PPTX)

Vibhav Durgesh

Mechanical Engineering

Pathways through CECS Majors, from first Engineering class (PPTX)


Emily Russell

Child and Adolescent Development

Grishma Bhavsar

Health Sciences

Patterns in Health Administration Students that Drop Out (PPTX)

Roxanne Moschetti 

Child and Adolescent Development

How are Health and Human Development students who are getting DFU’s  in the high DFU classes performing in their other classes? (PPTX)

Stephanie Benjamin

Health Sciences

First Year Retention among HHD Students (PPTX)


Eunai Shrake

Asian American Studies

Analysis of Reverse Achievement Gaps in College of Humanities Courses (PPTX)

Mary-Pat Stein

Liberal Studies

Success of Students Redirected to Liberal Studies (PPTX)

Rob Gressis


Study of peer mentoring 

Svetlana Tyutina

Modern & Classical Languages & Literatures

Reacting to the Past 


Casey Terhorst


Opportunity Gaps in STEM Courses (PPTX)

Ravi Abrol


High DFU Rate in CHEM 100:  Factors and Solutions (PPTX)

Tyler Luchko


Effects of income and socio-economic status on graduation rates 


Ardavan Asef-Vaziri

Systems and Operations Management

Informal Dependability:  Logical Precedence of Informally Interrelated Courses (PPTX)

David Liu

Accounting and Information Systems

Impact of Not Passing UDWPE 

Jun Zhan

Accounting and Information Systems

Impacts of Lower Division Core Courses on Upper Division Core Courses (PPTX)

Soma Patra


Student-centered scheduling, qualitative interviews with Chairs/Program directors, quantitative demand modeling through schedule (PPTX)


Carlos Guerrero 

Transitional EOP Programs (PPTX)


Dave Keating

Communication Studies

Gaps, Transitions, and Time to Degree (PPTX)

Magdy Rizk


Scheduling for Success (PPTX)

Robert St. Pierre


On the Streets Student Survey (PPTX)

Sakile Camara

Communication Studies

Faculty Advising:  Symmetry vs. Asymmetry (PPTX)

Stephanie Bluestein


Lower-Division Classes Taken by Transfer Students (PPTX)


Ayda Vardumyan

Does Early Start Lead to Improved Retention?

Zachary Helsper

Summer After the First Year (PPTX)


Stefanie Drew

Faculty Development

Faculty Development Programming



Dale Conner

Manufacturing Sys Eng & Mgmt

Freshman and Sophomore Courses that Predict Student Outcomes in the College of Engineering and Computer Science

Vibhav Durgesh

Mechanical Engineering

Impact of Entry-Level Math Classes on Graduation Rates in Department of Mechanical Engineering

Tzong-Ying (Kay) Hao

Civil Engineering

Student Focus Groups:  High DFU/High Opportunity Gap Courses

Sharlene Katz

Electrical & Computer Science

Improving 4-Year Graduation Rates for ECE Students

Richard Lorentz

Computer Science

In Early Courses vs. Success in the Major (PPTX)


Ovande Furtado


Predictors of Student Success in the Department of Kinesiology

Emily Russell

Child & Adolescent Development

Student Focus Groups:  High DFU/High Opportunity Gap Courses

Student Perspectives On High-Impact Courses (PPTX)

Mary Jo Sariscsany


Student Focus Groups: High DFU/High Opportunity Gap Courses

Vickie Yu

Pathway in Communication Disorders and Science Department (PPTX)


Florence Kyomugisha

Gender & Women's Studies

Student Focus Groups:  High DFU/High Opportunity Gap Courses

Stevie Ruiz

Chicana/o Studies

Student Focus Groups:  High DFU/High Opportunity Gap Courses

Svetlana Tyutina

Modern & Classical Languages & Literatures

Student Focus Groups: High DFU/High Opportunity Gap Courses

Julie Yoo


Student Focus Groups: High DFU/High Opportunity Gap Courses


Ali Al-Sharadqah


Predictors of Student Success in Mathematics Coursework

Predictive Modellings for MATH 102 (PPTX)

Dan Curtis


Links Between Graduation Rates and the Bottleneck Course Chemistry 100

David Gray


Freshman Courses: UNIV 100 & SCI 100 (PPTX)

Henk Postma


Pathway Analysis for Physics and Astonomy Majors at CSUN


Sara Berzenski


Michael Carter


Early Warning Targeting, Advising, and Mentoring in Sociology 150 (PPTX)

Elise Fenn


Student Focus Groups: High DFU/High Opportunity Gap Courses

Student Perspectives On High-Impact Courses (PPTX)

Jonathan Martinez


Student Focus Groups: High DFU/High Opportunity Gap Courses

Student Perspectives On High-Impact Courses (PPTX)

David McCarty-Caplan

Social Work

Exploring Multi-Level Predictors of Student Success


James Dow

Finance, Financial Planning, and Insurance

Patterns in Finance Department Dropouts (PPTX)

Nina Golden

Business Law

Student Focus Groups:  High DFU/High Opportunity Gap Courses

Kent Hymel


Success and Failure in Principles of Microeconomics (PPTX)

David Liu

Accounting and Information Systems

Early Indicators of Lack of Progress to 400-level Coursework

Impact of Not Passing UPWPE (PPTX)


Will Garrow

Deaf Studies

ASL Intensive Summer Bridge Program

Mira Pak

Secondary Education


Matt Jackson


Student Focus Groups:  High DFU/High Opportunity Gap Courses

Dave Keating

Communication Studies

Success in High-Impact Courses:  The Path Through Communication Studies (PPTX)

Magdy Rizk


Student Pathway Analysis:  Department of Art

Course Scheduling and Academic Performance (PPTX)

Yue Zheng


Student Success in the Department of Journalism (PPTX)

Ahmed Alwan

Information Literacy Instruction and Student Success


Pankaj Bedekar

Zachary Helsper

Impact of Summer Courses on Time to Degree (PPTX)


Anne Kellenberger 

Univ Writing Center


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