Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies

Salam Neighbor

Wednesday, February 15, 2017 - 4:00pm

Manzanita Hall, Room 361

Salaam Neighbor - A documentary about Syrian refugees

"Salam Neighbor," a documentary about the lives of Syrian refugees in Jordon's Zaatari refugee camp, will screen in room 361 Manzanita Hall on Wed. Feb. 15. 

The screening kicks off a series of campus events hosted by CSUN's Middle East and Islamic Studies program that will address the impact of new U.S. policies being made concerning refugees and Muslims in the United States.  The screening be followed by a discussion with CSUN Journalism Professor Melissa Wall who has studied the Syrian refugees crisis and how it has been experienced by refugees in Jordan, Denmark and Canada.  

Sponsored by the Jewish World Watch and the CSUN Middle East and Islamic Studies program.  RSVP to either denys.nazarov@csun.edu or melissa.a.wall@csun.edu