Liberal Studies Program

  • ITEP Freshman 2023 Cohort
  • ITEP Cohort 2019 - Class of 2023
  • 2022 ITEP Freshman Cohort
  • ITEP Freshmen 2021 - #1
  • ITEP Freshmen 2021 - #2
  • ITEP Freshman 2020 Cohort
  • 2019 ITEP Freshman Cohort
  • Optima Energy Sustainability Scholarship
  • 2022-2023 Literacy Scholars for the Future of Los Angeles (LSLA)
  • 2023 Multicultural Literacy Scholars (Dr. Krystal Howard)
  • Ronnett B. Simon Scholarship Recipient

Getting Advisement

General Procedures on Making an Appointment:

Academic advisement is available by appointment Monday through Friday. Students may meet with any Interdisciplinary Studies and Liberal Studies advisor. Appointments are made on a first-to-arrive basis. Please plan your appointment well in advance and call us if you need to cancel. According to the Option or Program you intend to follow, please read the appropriate advisement procedures below.

Late Policy: We ask that you please arrive before your appointment start time. Please note if you are late, you will be asked to reschedule.

The Department of Interdisciplinary Studies and Liberal Studies has transitioned to online services and are available to answer your questions. If you want to schedule a virtual appointment with an advisor, please call our main office at (818) 677-3300. We will respond to your request as soon as possible during regular business hours, calls will be answered during the following hours 8am-1pm & 2-5pm Monday through Friday.

We appreciate your understanding and patience with the high volume of calls during virtual delivery of services. If you are experiencing difficulty getting through, please continue to call (818) 677-3300.

For quick questions, please email ONE of our advisors:

Jonathan B. Martinez: (For ITEP Freshman and new student inquiries).

Martha Campos: (For ITEP Junior, Pre-Credential, and Interdisciplinary Studies Option inquiries and students with last names beginning with A to L).

 Mary Dudley: (For ITEP Junior, Pre-Credential, and Interdisciplinary Studies Option inquiries and students with last names beginning with M to Z).

Applying for graduation:

  1. Apply a year in advance
  2. Schedule a grad check appointment with a Liberal Studies advisor (required).

Click here for more graduation information and deadlines: Bachelor's Degree Application and Document Deadlines | California State University, Northridge (

Pre-Credential Option, ITEP-Junior Option, and Interdisciplinary Studies

Pre-Credential, ITEP-Junior,

  • The process of advisement for these options begins with required completion of a Liberal Studies information session. The information sessions  are open to everyone, but an evaluation and advisement appointment are available only to those students who have applied to CSUN and declared/will declare Liberal Studies as their major. NOTE - A Liberal Studies information session is required because the detailed information about the program cannot be covered in a single advisement appointment.
  • Pre-Credential/ITEP-Junior Option students must complete one of the following information session. 
  • After completing an information session, students who have applied to CSUN will receive an evaluation of their courses.
  • After receiving a Liberal Studies evaluation (15 to 20 business days), a student may then make an individual advisement appointment.
  • It is strongly recommended that students seek academic advisement at least once per academic year.
  • For students on Academic Probation, advisement is required to clear registration holds and to discuss a plan to guide the student back to good academic standing. Subsequent appointments are suggested to monitor the student's academic progress.

Interdisciplinary Studies:

Students interested in pursuing the Interdisciplinary Studies degree are not required to complete an information session.  To schedule an appointment, please call the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies and Liberal Studies at (818) 677-3300. When scheduling an appointment, please identify yourself as a student interested in declaring the Interdisciplinary Studies degree.

First-Time Freshman

First-Time Freshman:

Humanities Minor and Sustainability Minor

Humanities and Sustainability Minor:

 Students interested in pursuing the Sustainability minor can email Dr. Sindhuja Bhakthavatsalam: to schedule a virtual advisement appointment.