Jewish Studies Interdisciplinary Program

The Lost and the Living: One Family's Journeys from the Old World to the New, and Back Again

Wednesday, November 12, 2014 - 12:30pm to 1:45pm

Sierra Hall 451 (Whitsett Room)

 Presented by Lisa Lainer-FaganLisa Lainer Fagan

Los Angeles native Lisa Lainer-Fagan presents her extraordinary research and the family trip to Lithuania designed to discover the fate of her great-uncles and aunts who disappeared during the Holocaust.  This slide-lecture will feature photographs of the many clues they followed in learning the truth – actual letters, survivor testimony, historical photos, government documents, maps – and the actual sites in Lithuania that they visited.

For your convenience, a map to the event has been included.

Everyone is invited. Please call (818) 677-4724 or email to reserve a seat.