College of Humanities

Events Archive

Advancing Equity In a Climate of Resistance: ALIGNING CULTURE AND STRATEGY

Tuesday, March 30, 2021 - 3:00pm to 4:30pm

Dr. Frank Harris, III

Dr. Frank Harris, III will be the presenter. Although the concepts of “equity” and “equity mindedness” are more widely embraced by educators now than they were a decade ago, closing equity gaps remains an elusive goal at most colleges and universities. Thus, in this address, Dr. Harris will unpack the myriad of institutional barriers that thwart systematic efforts to close equity gaps. Read more

Queering Abolitionist Efforts

Wednesday, March 31, 2021 - 5:00pm to 6:30pm

Queering Abolitionist Effors

The panelists will discuss LGBTQI+ experiences of criminalization and incarceration, especially as they relate to homophobia and transphobia. Central to the discussion will be these communities’ resistance to these forms of state violence. Particular attention will be placed on panelists’ abolitionists acts of surviving and thriving in a world that penalizes and criminalizes their very existence. Read more


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