
Dr. Bryson Releases a New Book

August 6, 2019

Congratulations to Dr. Michael Bryson for the publication of his latest book, The Humanist (Re)Turn: Reclaiming the Self in Literature.

Routledge describes The Humanist (Re)Turn as "an exciting new book." It "argues for a renewed emphasis on humanism--contrary to the trend of post-humanism, or what Neema Parvini calls "the anti-humanism" of the last several decades of literary and theoretical scholarship. In this trail-blazing study, Michael Bryson argues for this renewal of perspective by covering literature written in different languages, times, and places, calling for a return to a humanism, which focuses on literary characters and their psychological and existential struggles—not struggles of competition, but of connection, the struggles of fragmented, incomplete individuals for integration, wholeness, and unity." 

Dr. Bryson is a full-time professor who specializes in Shakespeare, Milton, Biblical and Classical literature, literary theory, and the history of European poetry and criticism. To enjoy a preview of his book, please visit Routledge's webpage: The Humanist ReTurn: Reclaiming the Self in Literature