Central American Studies

Central American and Transborder Studies Events

Honduras Presidential Elections, Political Forum

Thursday, November 21, 2013 - 6:30pm

Hondural Elections debate

An electoral debate with the participation of members of the political parties. After the constitutional crisis of 2009 the political spectrum has widening allowing the participation of eight political parties. Read more

Tales of Clay, Central American Academic Lecture

Wednesday, November 13, 2013 - 12:30pm

Tales of Clay

Tales of Clay plays an important yet unrecognized role in Central American Literature: the acceptance of a heterogenous literature that explores social issues in the vernacular dialect of Salvadoran Spanish as well as the incorporation of words from the indigenous languages spoken by its inhabitants. Dr. Nelson López Rojas translation of Tales of Clay presents nuances to the dynamic process of writing and doing literary translation work in a transnational context. Read more

Immigrant Workers in the Food System, Central American Community Lecture Series

Tuesday, November 5, 2013 - 11:00am

chicken processing line

Lauren Ornelas of the Food Empowerment Project discusses how in the past decade has brought tremendous and much need attention to the connections between food choices, health, and environment sustainability. Despite this exposure, however, several aspect of the contemporary food system have remained at the margins of the most mainstream debates. Notably, concerns related to the rights of food system workers, specifically immigrant workers have often been overlooked.  Read more
