Asian American Studies

AAS Departmental Awards


Every year, Asian American Studies faculty members honor students for their potential and contributions to the department, campus, and community. The AAS Department works with EOP every year to recognize promising freshman and promising sophomore.   For the promising freshman and sophomores, please nominate students,  who have taken (or are currently taking) at least one AAS/ethnic studies course.
Faculty must nominate students for the departmental (non-monetary) awards. Before you nominate a student, confirm their eligibility (see below). There is no limit to the number of students you nominate.

***Nomination deadline is April 15, 2024***

For Promising freshman, sophomore, and community builder nominations, please verify the number of AAS and ethnic studies courses they have taken and include that when directly submitting their names to the nomination form.  

Promising Freshman Award:

This award is provided to freshmen who have demonstrated promise in context of academics and/ or community involvement. The ideal candidate might have demonstrated solid critical thinking skills, academic and/or personal improvement, and/or a burgeoning commitment to racial justice. Students are eligible if they: (a) are a freshman (0-29 units) and (b) have enrolled in at least one course in AAS or in AFRS, AIS, CATS, or CHS. 

Promising Sophomore Award:

This award is provided to sophomores who have demonstrated promise in context of academics and/ or community involvement. The ideal candidate might have demonstrated solid critical thinking skills, academic and/or personal improvement, and/or a burgeoning commitment to racial justice. Students are eligible if they: (a) are a sophomore (30-59 units) and (b) have enrolled in at least one course in AAS or in AFRS, AIS, CATS, or CHS. 

Community Builder Award:

This award recognizes students who play a crucial role in building Asian, Pacific Islander, and Desi American (APIDA) communities on- and/ or off-campus. The ideal candidate might have demonstrated meaningful campus or community-based involvement/ participation, and/or advocacy efforts. Students are eligible if they: (a) are currently enrolled at CSUN and (b) have enrolled in at least two courses in AAS (or one AAS course + one course in AFRS, AIS, CATS, or CHS).