Week One:

Communication & Action:

 Establish weekly or bi-weekly meeting dates/schedule.
  Before the end of the first week, find time to connect and check-in with the employee. Some possible discussion points:

    • What could we do (have done) to make you feel more welcome?
    • If I’m not available, who do you talk to if you have questions about work? Do you feel comfortable asking questions?

 Continue discussion on expectations

    • Have employee sign and return copy of Position Description (Maintain original and send signed copy to HR).
    • Discuss and provide copy of performance evaluation form and schedule. Not required for Temporary/Emergency Hire positions.
    • Have employee familiarize themselves with the campus priorities and begin a discussion of how the department/division connect with these.
    • Inform your new hire of team goals and objectives
    • Debrief your new hire on current and upcoming projects
    • If employee is part of Business Continuity Plan, discuss plan and explain expectations.

 Accompany employee to standing meeting(s) that are part of their position, and introduce to others
 Schedule one-on-one introductory meetings with key team members

    • Ask team members to provide a short description of their work and how it will integrate with the new employee’s role.

 Manager and new hire complete first week check-in

    • Confirm mandatory/compliance training is complete
    • CSU’s Discrimination, Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Prevention Program (Non-Supervisory Employees)
    • CSU’s Sexual Misconduct Prevention Program (Required of Supervisors Only, including supervision of student workers)
    • CSU’s Discrimination and Harassment Prevention Program (Required of Supervisors Only, including supervision of student workers)
    • Injury and Illness Prevention Program (All Employees)

  Has the employee completed signing up for Benefits?
  Has the employee been instructed on how to report absences or trained to enter absences in Time & Labor Module?
  Outline plan for remainder of the first 30 days
  Continue the discussion to build a connection. Some possible discussion points:

    • How does the job compare to your expectations?
    • Do you have all the tools and equipment you need to do your job? If not, what do you think would help?


  Pay Warrant distribution process
  Department emergency action plan

    • Contact your building marshal if needed.

  Emergency Desk Reference for Students, Faculty & Staff
  CSUN & CSU Policies & Procedures
  Human Resource Functions:

    • How to request time away
    • How and when to self-report, record and submit time
      • Self-Reporter
      • Department Timekeeper
      • How to view balances

 Absence Management Role (as applicable)
  Department File Storage system (On-Base, etc)
  Acquiring/requesting office supplies

    • Review Procurement policy and instructions (as applicable)

Click here to print a complete OnBoarding Staff - Manager's Checklist (pdf)
Click here to print a complete OnBoarding Staff - Manager's Checklist (doc)