Pre-Arrival | Before the Employee's Start Date:

Communication Item:

  Review the copy of the confirmation email the new employee received from HR
  Call employee to convey welcome and reporting information

    • Encourage employee to complete Sign-In documents beforehand to bring with them to campus.
    • If they will be new to the area, are there resources you can help identify to make their transition smoother.

  Send employee a follow-up email conveying welcome to team, connection to mission, and first day important information:

    • Where and when to report with location
    • Attire (See Day 1)
    • Parking (with link to campus map)
    • First day lunch (See Day 1)
    • Provide link to Organizational Chart or key directories
      • Campus | Department | Division

  Have the department/division head send a letter communicating welcome and importance of position and connection to mission. (See Sample)

  Communicate to staff the new hire’s start date, background, key responsibilities, work location, and contact information

 Planning Item:

  Have department web-site updated

    • Add to department directory
    • Add to relevant list-serv/email-groups

  Arrange 1st day meet & greet and lunch
  Schedule Department, Building & Division Tour
  Schedule Campus Tour

    • Who will provide it: Manager, Designee or Outreach & Recruitment

  Develop a training schedule that spans the first week or two. Avoid any overload of training on the first day.

    • Identify individual(s) who will provide training of day-to-day activities
    • Identify what department, division or university events are taking place in the first 30 days that the new employee should attend

  Preview and plot out mandatory/compliance training to be completed:

    • Data Security and FERPA Training (All Employees) should be completed on Day 1
    • All other online compliance training should be completed within first week:
      • CSU’s Discrimination, Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Prevention Program (Non-Supervisory Employees)
      • CSU’s Sexual Misconduct Prevention Program (Required of Supervisors Only, including supervision of student workers)
      • CSU’s Discrimination and Harassment Prevention Program (Required of Supervisors Only, including supervision of student workers)
      • Injury and Illness Prevention Program (All Employees)
    • Identify role specific training:ProCard / Procurement
    • Defensive Driver Fundamentals
    • Conflict of Interest
    • Other

  Identify team standing meetings – include the meeting title and recurring dates
  Schedule meetings with members of the unit team for acculturation and learning
  Identify shadowing opportunities for new hire to attend with direct manager or other team members
  Determine a schedule for recurring check-in meetings
  Identify university colleagues that the new hire should meet. Pre-schedule those that should take place during the first two weeks
  Choose one important, easy win project for the employee; Plan to discuss on the first day and have employee begin to work on during the first week.
  Look at the HR Professional & Personal Development Training Calendar and identify what upcoming trainings would be beneficial.

Action Item:

Work Space

  Clean work area and set with supplies
  Set up computer hardware, software and accessories calendared/set up
  If your new employee is a CSUN graduate, they’re now part of CSUN’s “Home Grown” community.  Alumni Relations will reach out to the hiring manager and arrange to have a “Home Grown” welcome token/item delivered within the first two weeks.
  If starting multiple employees on the same day or close together, consider that all employees are treated equally.
  Prepare to order Business Cards, Nameplate


  Get keys, Omni Codes – Items necessary for physical access
  Arrange phone and voicemail set-up with IT (allow 2 business days)

    • Reset name and code

  Establish access to shared drives
  Link computer to shared printers, etc.
  Complete Application Access Request Link as necessary.

Click here to print a complete OnBoarding Staff - Manager's Checklist (pdf)
 Click here to print a complete OnBoarding Staff - Manager's Checklist (doc)