Working Parents Mid-Morning Brown Bag

Wednesday, November 25, 2020 - 10:00am to 11:00am

Online via Zoom


Facilitated by:

Toni Strauja & Heather Kennedy


Join your fellow CSUN colleagues - who are also working on campus or remotely, parenting, and aspiring to be their child’s best and favorite teacher, for a casual conversation about the challenges, wins, and go to resources for making it through this new life chapter. The group meets every three weeks and children are welcome to join with their parents. 

For those of you familiar with our “Working Mom’s Brownbag” – this is an updated (inclusive, virtual, and timely) gathering intended to provide an opportunity to discuss how you’re balancing working, parenting, and self-care.  

Faculty & Staff – To register for this Workshop/Session:

Send an email to heather.kennedy@ to be added to the calendar invite.