Stefanie Drew, PhD
Office: Lilac Hall, Room 108
Dr. Drew earned her PhD in Psychology from UC Irvine in 2009, studying visual perception in the Human Information Processing Lab. She then completed two post-doctoral positions: one at UCI's mindSPACE Laboratory, focusing on retinotopic mapping in the occipital cortex, and another at Western University of Health Sciences' College of Optometry, where she studied oculomotor dysfunction. Currently, Dr. Drew is a Professor in the Psychology Department at California State University, Northridge (CSUN), specializing in cognitive psychology, visual perception, and ocular health. As the Principal Investigator of the Visual Information Sciences and Neuroscience (VISN) Lab, she employs an interdisciplinary research approach that combines neuroscience, psychophysics, psychometrics, and optometric methodologies. Her work comprehensively examines the interaction of emerging technologies and their impact on learning and the visual system.
Current Projects
NSF-M3X: “Improving motor learning and rehabilitation via experimental bidirectional dynamic human-virtual reality interaction systems” (Aug 2022-Aug 2025).
Previous Projects
Department of Defense’s The AWARE Project: Arming Wearable Augmented Reality Equipment to Strengthen Psychological Reserves and Resilience