HERE Center

Basic Needs in Higher Education

Across the CSU campuses, efforts to increase student retention and degree completion especially among first generation and low income students are being implemented.

However, the lack of awareness related to students’ challenges in meeting their basic needs (food insecurity, homelessness and mental health) and subsequent lack of support in helping students navigate points of services on campus undercut the efforts to increase retention and graduation rates.

Our research aims to inform policy, systems and environmental change that support student basic needs and their academic success.

Research Projects:

  1. Food Insecurity and Utilization of Food Pantries at California State University Northridge
  2. Using the Psychosociocultural Framework to create a campus climate that acknowledges and supports the role of basic needs in student success.

Research Team:

  • Dr. Nelida Duran, Department of Family and Consumer Sciences – Nutrition
  • Dr. Mirna Troncoso-Sawyer, Department of Health Sciences – Public Health
  • Dr. Danielle Spratt, Department of English
  • Dr. Rosalia Garcia-Torres, Department of Family and Consumer Sciences – Food Science