College of HHD

New Semester, Fresh Start: Fall 2016

September 15, 2016

At the start of the fall semester, we like to greet our new and returning students in the College of Health & Human Development to answer questions, provide directions and distribute snacks.  HHD staff, advisors, faculty and the Associate Dean look forward to this annual tradition, now in its fifth year. "Our goal is to welcome students and let them know that we are here to help," said Tami Abourezk, Associate Dean of the College.

Ryan Mason is one of the Academic Advisors in the HHD Student Services Center, Educational Opportunity Program (EOP).  "It is important that the students are welcomed home. Home to engage with their fellow matador faculty, staff and friends. This opportunity allows us to develop another point of connection and encourage the students in completing their journey toward graduation," he said. "New and returning students come the first weeks of school with a new enthusiasm for starting their next chapter in their journey. Witnessing their excitement and being able to increase that by providing a small snack is gratifying.”

Between classes, we caught up with a few of the students majoring in our degree programs.  Find out about their goals and what motivates them:

naomi adeneye

Naomi Adeneye, Freshman

Major and why: CSUN was Naomi's first choice.  "I liked it and wanted to come here," she said. While she hasn't selected a major, she told us she is leaning toward Kinesiology. She said she has wanted to come to CSUN since she was a freshman in high school, and likes that it is close to home.

What are some of your goals for this semester? I am looking forward to meeting other students and joining some clubs--possibly a sorority, a Christian club, basketball club."

Have you applied for any scholarships? "I'm looking into a scholarship offered at CSUN."

Do you have any advice for other students? "Don't procrastinate."

jessica flaherty

Jessica Flaherty, Senior

Major and why: Family & Consumer Sciences/Nutrition Dietetics & Food Science.  "My grandpa is an alum and he loved CSUN. I know the CSUN DPD [Didactic Program in Dietetics] is good, so when I transferred from Moorpark, I knew I'd be going into Nutrition." She added that she chose the major because of the healing properties of good nutrition.

What do you plan to achieve or hope will happen this semester? "I'm an officer in the SDFSA [Student Dietetic and Food Science Association] I am hoping that we have some successful events, especially getting people interested and involved in the DI [Dietetic Internship] symposium."

How do you meet other students? "Through SDFSA, through friends and in classes in the major."

Do you have any advice for other students? "Enjoy your time in school and absorb as much knowledge as you can because it goes by fast!"

Valerie Hernandez

Valerie Hernandez, Freshman

Major and why: Child & Adolescent Development (CADV) "I'm specializing in Early Childhood Development.  I chose CSUN because I liked the campus and I heard good things about the CADV program." She said she also likes that CSUN has a strong Educational Opportunity Program (EOP).

Why did you select CADV as a major? "I'm passionate about working with individuals with disabilities because I have family members with disabilities." She added that in high school she served as president of a club that focused on helping children with disabilities.

What is your favorite inspirational saying? "Just do it! Be motivated by helping others."

Do you have any advice for other students? "Talk to your advisors, make sure they recognized you and develop strong relationships."

fruits and vegetables

Kathya Iraheta, Sophomore

Major and why: Kathya is majoring in Family & Consumer Sciences, specializing in Nutrition, Dietetics and Food Science. She told us she wants to be a Registered Dietitian. "I find Nutrition interesting--I came to CSUN as a freshman and I'm now in my third year."

What do you plan to achieve or hope will happen this semester? "I'm planning to take more classes in my major and hopefully find a job in the nutrition field. I haven't applied for any scholarships yet, but I am interested."

How do you like to keep in touch with other students? "Group text, meet up for study groups."

Do you have any advice for other students? "Keep an agenda."

spools of thread

Quoc Ly, Junior

Major and why: Quoc chose CSUN because of the Apparel Design and Merchandising program. He's a Junior now, and said he likes the faculty and classmates and enjoys collaborating with people from different backgrounds.

What would you like your lifestyle to be like after you've graduated? "Hopefully I'll be working for a fashion magazine doing editorial work."

What are some of your goals for this semester?"I'm looking for internships, any that have to do with fashion production and merchandising design."

Do you have any advice for other students? "Don't just rely on school to get a job. Network before you graduate--just to get your foot into the industry."

keane lynch

Keane Lynch, Freshman

Major and why: Athletic Training. Keane said he chose to come to CSUN after graduating from Canoga Park High School. "My aunt went here and liked it here," he said. "She graduated in 2012. I like that it's close to home."

What to you plan to achieve or hope will happen this semester? "I want to get straight As, master all my subjects and possibly get a scholarship. I'm also going to try out for the CSUN basketball team."

What would you like your lifestyle to be like after you've graduated? "Relaxed, but busy.  I'd like to work as an athletic trainer for a pro-team."

What's your favorite inspirational saying? "Don't chase others. Don't follow after the crowd."

aaron maynard

Aaron Maynard, Senior

Major and why: Family & Consumer Sciences/Apparel Design & Merchandising. Though he started as a film major, he found a home in HHD because his HHD major aligns with his goals. Aaron said he chose CSUN because he knows it's a good school and it's close to home

What do you plan to achieve or hope will happen this year? "I want to learn to be a merchandiser, learn trade, advance and pursue a career."

What's your favorite inspirational saying? "Everybody wants the same thing--everyone wants to be comfortable."

Do you have any advice for other students? "Don't be lazy. Plan all your work. That's number one."

Marissa Petras

Marissa Petras, Senior

Major and why: Marisa started out as a Kinesiology major, but because she likes working with children, she found her academic home in the Department of Child & Adolescent Development.

What do you plan to achieve this year? "A 3.5 GPA."

What would you like your lifestyle to be like after you've graduated? "I hope to be coaching sports in my hometown, Santa Cruz."

What's your favorite inspirational saying? "Learn how to dance in the rain."

armanie pollard

Armanie Pollard, Freshman

Major and why: "I'm in the Athletic Training program. CSUN has a good women's basketball team and I want to try out, and it's is away from home but not too far."

What would you like your life to be like after you graduate? "I want to pursue a career--I'm not sure if it's possible but I would like to start at Crenshaw High School," Armanie said she graduated from Crenshaw and has interned there for the past year.

Have you met other students yet? "Yes, through the EOP program I have met lots!"

What's your favorite inspirational saying? "If you're doing what you love, you'll never have to work a day in your life."

Any advice for other students? "Be open to new things."

LaKeisha Thompson

LaKeisha Thompson, Sophomore

Major and why: LaKeisha chose CSUN because of our EOP program.  Her major is Environmental & Occupational Health. "I want to be a restaurant health inspector."

What would you like your lifestyle to be like after you've graduated? "Successful, fun in my career.  I want to meet lots of people."

What motivates you as a student? "Seeing other students, being on campus motivates me."

Do you have any advice for other students? "Always stay in your books. Keep up, don't be distracted."

Did you know that you can find information on scholarships here?  Visit the HHD Scholarships page!

Lauren Lafferty, Jean O'Sullivan