College of HHD

Meet the HHD Student Senators, 2019

November 7, 2019

Serving in their roles through CSUN Associated Students, Student Senators represent the student body and work with the University to communicate and advocate for student interests and needs. Meet our HHD Student Senators for 2019.

frida endinjok

Associated Students Graduate Senator, Frida Endinjok

I am proud to represent and be the voice of many graduate studies, especially in my home college: Health and Human Development.

I obtained my undergraduate degree in Family and Consumer Sciences focusing on Nutrition and Dietetics, so I am very passionate about health and making sure that students have access to health education, healthy food, and proper health services. My agenda also includes sustainability.

I work hard to make sure that our campus is more sustainable and moves towards a zero-waste status. I know it is a lot of work, but little by little, student by student, we can all make a difference on campus to be healthier and more sustainable.


Nikolas Morrison-WelchAssociated Students Undergraduate Senator, Nikolas Morrison-Welch

As a senator, I work hard to echo the voices and concerns of students within our departments to Associated Students and the university at large.  A requirement of all senators is placement on the university, internal or external affairs committee. I sit within the university affairs committee and am tasked with pursuing issues that intersect between students and the university. Some examples of concerns we have been working on include; investigating why funding has been withheld from groups such as Revolutionary Scholars, ways to alleviate the burden of parking tickets on students and helping to push the senate towards providing additional funding to the Food Pantry. My vision for this senate term is to see us make internal strides towards inclusivity, and externally, working with university partners to remove barriers towards graduation via administrative procedures and reducible cost.

Until I became a senator for HHD, I had no idea who my representatives in Associated Students were. I hope to make meaningful strides towards increasing visibility with students, faculty, and staff so that I can be a point of communication between the three groups and the university and fulfill my elected duty.  Some of the steps I have taken include working on developing and strengthening relationships between myself and our various department chairs and attending various department events. As students of Health and Human Development, many of our studies include coursework in biology, chemistry, statistics, etc. To best represent our students, I have also been working in multiple groups and positions within the College of Science and Math, where many of our classes are listed. Like the senators who came before me, it is my hope that my actions have some meaningful effect however marginal on all students and that I can walk away, knowing I did my best.


Tammy RassamekiarttisakAssociated Students Undergraduate Senator, Tammy Rassamekiarttisak

I’m a first generation college student double majoring in Public Health and Asian American Studies, and I aspire to be a pediatrician. I was the 2018-2019 Associated Students Senator for the College of Health and Human Development and was re-elected for the 2019-2020 academic term. In addition, I serve as the University Student Union Board of Directors Co-Chair for the Finance Committee, a New Student Orientation mentor and family lead, and an Asian American Studies Pathways Project intern.

As one of the Associated Students Senators for the College of Health and Human Development, I advocate for our colleges’ students on a local, state, and federal level. I want to see my college thrive, help my peers succeed, bring awareness to the opportunities that CSUN has to offer and/or create opportunities for others to grow and to get involved. Last year, I worked with colleagues to successfully launch the Associated Students Health and Human Development Student Committee to help address the students’ needs and the concerns they had for the college and for Associated Students. As a student leader and community builder, I want to create an inclusive, fun, and growth-enhancing environment to help support student success and professional development. Personally, I would like to ensure that students can have a sense of community and belonging here at California State University, Northridge. Whether this is through CSUN, AS, USU, AASPP, and/or the College of Health and Human Development, I want students to be able to reach out, have space, and have the resources to support their endeavors.

Meet the CSUN Associated Students Cabinet members.

F 2019