College of HHD

Recent News in HHD

Graduates to Receive Special Recognition at Honors Convocation: Meet HHD's Roxxette Zepeda

May 8, 2017

roxxette zepeda

In a life of so many closed doors, it was a CSUN recruiter who opened a window for Roxxette Lezly Zepeda. The 17-year-old was late to class, running down the hallway of Francisco Bravo Medical Magnet High School in Los Angeles, one day during her senior year. Joel Monroy, a recruiter for the university’s Educational Opportunity Programs (EOP), stopped her in the hallway and asked, “‘What are your plans after high school graduation?’” This was a turning point toward making her dreams come true just as she had been preparing to accept much less in her life. Read more

Kathleen Young Returns from Cuba with New Insight into Universal Healthcare

April 28, 2017

kathleen young

According to the CIA World Factbook, Cuba’s infant mortality rate is among the lowest in the world — lower than the United States’ — and the country provides intensive prenatal care for women. Health Sciences faculty Kathleen Young traveled to Cuba to investigate the country's universal health care system along with a delegation of 14 medical health professionals--all women--to understand the correlation between prevention-driven medical practices and lower infant mortality rates. Read more

38th Annual TRENDS Student Fashion Show May 7 - Transcendent: Beyond the Ordinary

April 25, 2017

model gets dress and makeup ready for the runway at the 2017 CSUN TRENDS fashion show

CSUN Family & Consumer Sciences Apparel Design and Merchandising students will present the 38th annual TRENDS Fashion Show at 6 p.m. on Sunday, May 7, at the University Student Union (USU) Northridge Center. Titled Transcendent: Beyond the Ordinary, the fashion show allows the community to see the fashions CSUN student-designers have created. Students organize and produce the show from creation to curtain. Get tickets! Read more


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