College of HHD

Recent News in HHD

HHD's Welcoming Approach

September 25, 2017

graduates at commencement

HHD recognized the importance of welcoming new students to majors in its college when they first step on campus, so HHD now holds a special orientation for new majors to make them feel welcome and familiarize them with resources they can tap into when they need help. The idea is quickly being adopted by other colleges on the campus, with each college tweaking the idea to fit students in their unique majors. Read about us and more in CSUN Today's "CSUN Creates a 'Village' to Support Student Success." Read more

3 WINS Fitness COUCH to 5K to LA Leadership Team

September 7, 2017

couch 2 5k

Hold off on your LA Marathon registrations until our orientation.  3 WINS Fitness is partnering with Strength United out of the College of Education in an exciting relationship that will further the mission of Strength United: Strength United is dedicated to ending abuse, empowering families and developing leaders.  Read more

eLearning Innovations: Kaitlin Bahr's BioStatsBuddy

September 6, 2017

student talks about biostats buddy

Biostatistics is an academic hurdle all CSUN Health Sciences majors must overcome--it's a required course for all undergraduate degree programs in Health Sciences including Public Health, Health Administration, and Radiologic Sciences. Biostatics covers the principles, theory and practice of statistical analysis in health and students are taught how to use concepts in health planning, epidemiological research and experimental research. To ease the journey through the course, Health Sciences faculty Kaitlin Bahr created the app, BioStatsBuddy, to improve students' ability to solve equations, memorize formulas and better prepare for exams. Watch the video and: Read more


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